Chapter 1: First Encounter

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Disclaimer: I do NOT own Paw Patrol. I want to try and post this before Halloween end, but some personal hurdles keep getting thrown in my free time so I'm going to aim for the end of the fall season. I hope that's ok.


The stars shine from the sky down onto the water of the ocean, reflecting and shimmering into the sky. The waves crashed onto the rocks below. On the cliff top was a Dalmatia and germane shepherd. Marshall and Chase sat there, looking out at the beautiful view in front of them. "I still can't believe you knew about this. It amazing!" Chase told Marshall while his paw was on Marshall's back. "I just saw a split in the road and it lead me to a dirt path and eventually, this place.". Marshall replied while his paw was on Chase's back. "I'm surprised you didn't take Everest here before me." Chase said closing his mouth fast with a smirk. Marshall turned his head sharply and almost screamed "Hey! I mean...I just wanted to spend more time with you." Marshall suddenly saw an opportunity and seized it. "Just tell me if your coming here with Skye. I don't what us to have a double date.". "Ok okay. I had that one coming." Chase said with an eye roll. It stayed silent for a while, just to enjoy the view. It was a fabulous site for sure.

Chase broke the silence "It's hard to believe some people take things like this site for granted.". Marshall heard this. "I know, right. I mean, some people see a city skyline and then they look at this view and go, I've seen this already. I just don't understand people who do that.". He responded and continued, "You can only experience everything once. Those moments can mean anything to anyone. Out of all those moments, there's only one that's so memorable, so cherished, that it's that person's favorite moment.". Chase nuzzled Marshall as a means of agreeing with him. Chase wanted to really reply so he said, "I've got a bunch of good memories and I don't know if I can pick just on, not now at least. So what's your favorite moment Marshall?". "Well?" Marshall started with. "I guess it would have to be..." *SNAP!*

The two look behind themselves. All that was there was Marshall's fire truck. Marshall let Chase ride in his fire truck thinking he would get lost. Unless the snap came from one of them stepping on a twig, which it wasn't, something or someone is near them. Chase held his paw in front of Marshall, protecting him. He slowly walking forward with Marshall walking behind him. They both passed Marshall's fire truck and saw a few bushes. One of them was shaking. Chase was horrified. It felt like he was in the plot of a horror movie. Chase kept walking up to the bush, Marshall was still following behind him. When they were about 2 feet away from the bush, a figure rose up from it.

A wolf. It appeared to be a wolf, a big wolf at that! The normal height for wolfs are usually 2feet and 2inches to 2feet and 8inches. This wolf however stood at 4feet tall! It looked like a male wolf, with a scratch mark on it's chest and black fur covering his entire body. They stared at each other for a few seconds.

After that, the wolf pounced.

Marshall started to run for his fire truck, but a noise came from behind him. "AHHHH!" Chase screamed from the top of his lungs. Marshall looked back to see the giant wolf digging his top fangs into Chase's left arm. Marshall ran towards the wolf and head butted him so hard, he fell down head first on a rock. "Come on!" Marshall yelled as he grabbed Chase, hoping someone would hear him. Marshall helped Chase into his fire truck, while he was pressing down on Chases bite. Marshall jumped in and started his vehicle. Marshall drove straight for the road not worrying if he was going to run into traffic. By luck, there were no cars. When they got on the road, Marshall said, "Don't worry. It's going to be fine. There's a cloth in the back of where your sitting. Keep it on your bite mark and we'll patch you up at the lookout and take you to the hospital." Marshall tried to keep a steady voice but was overcome by shock. "Ok, just hurry! It burns like fire." Chase shouted. He put the clean cloth over his bite mark. Thankfully there was little to no blood. Only a few drops would come out of the bite from now and again.

The duo arrived to the lookout and where approached by all the other pups and Ryder coming to say hello. Marshall stepped out of his vehicle while holding Chase and applying pressure to his bite. Everyone gasped at this and were worried. "Guys, what happened!" Ryder asked trying not to worry. Marshall responded. "Chase got bitten by a huge wolf. He needs treatment! I need clean towels, disinfect and bandages.". Everyone ran in different directions trying to get what Marshall asked for. Chase and Marshall went into the lookout and Chase started holding the cloth to his arm while sucking air in though his teeth due to the pain. Marshall stood there before going, "It's ok. It's ok. Don't worry Chase. You'll be fine. I promise.". "Thanks Marshall. It doesn't hurt as much, just still burns." Chase replied while trying to smile at Marshall.

(20 minutes later)

Marshall was just about finished with patching up Chase. He just needed to wrap a few bandages on his arm. "I'm sorry you got bitten Chase." Rocky said worried. Zuma walked up to talk next. "We're just glad your ok.". "You must of been pretty tough to not cry at all." Skye said trying to let Chase know how strong he was. "Thanks everyone. I just want to go to the hospital, get checked up and sleep. I'm exhausted.". Marshall was on the last few wraps, he finished and asked, "There, done. Ready to go to the hospital?". "Ready as I'll ever be.".

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