Chapter 2: Strange Patterns

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Disclaimer: I do NOT own Paw Patrol.


It's been a week sense Chase was in the wolf incident. When they got to the hospital, Chase had to stay there for the night so the doctors could treat him and make sure he would be ok. When Ryder came the next morning to take Chase home, the doctors told Ryder everything. They said that Chase was fine a slept soundly. This was a miracle! The reason for being is because Chase didn't get rabies, an infection, or a fever despite a wild wolf twice his size bitting him! He just needed some medicine and stitches. The only weird thing that happened was that Chase was squirming around in his bed in the middle of the night. But after awhile, he relaxed and stopped moving. Chases stitches healed up and he was back running around and doing missions again. It all seemed normal.

One morning. Marshall was taking a walk around the lookout with Chase. "I still can't believe it's a week sense you got bitten by that wolf." Marshall said starting a conversation. Chase replied. "I can't say I feel comfortably about it still, but it was crazy." Chase cracked a smile before it broke, "It's a shame that we can't go back to that view.". Marshall frowned a little. "Yeah. It is." Marshall said after his frown. The view was truly spectacular! They were even thinking about taking the whole Paw Patrol there! But with an unnaturally large wolf there, they both agreed to was to risky to try and go back there with that wolf. Chase looked at his best friend and said, "Hey, remember what you said about moments back there?" Marshall raised his head. "You said you only get to experience everything once, so we should be glad that we got to see the view while we did.". Marshall couldn't help it. He cracked a smile this time to speak."Yeah, we should.". "That's the spirit! I'm going to find Skye. She said she wanted to know how I was when I got my stitches out, didn't leave a scar. See you later." Chase said before walking ahead.

Marshall watched Chase run away before he heard his name called by Rocky. "Marshall! Can you come over here!" well, more yelled then called. Marshall decided to go sense he had nothing else to do. He ran there and Rocky knew what might happen. Marshall started tripping up like he always dose, he started going to fast, he tried to stop, but he just flung himself forward, and lo and behold, he was a few feet in front of Rocky. Rocky closed his eyes until, he felt the dalmation he knew landed on him. Nether of the two were surprised by this. "S-Sorry Rocky!" Marshall said swiftly while getting off him to help Rocky up. Rocky acceptance Marshall's help with a "Don't worry." Coming out of his mouth sounding very winded. "After all, I'm more used to you getting me wet.".

"Har har, very funny. So what did you need me for?".

"I found something. Just take a look.".

Rocky moved over and behind him was a wood carvings of Town Hall. It wasn't big. Looked like it was carved from a 6inch by 6inch block, but the details were extraordinarily accurate! Whoever made this had some time on there hands. Marshall walked up to it and picked it up and asked, "Wow. Who left this here?". Rocky walked closer to Marshall. "No clue. But they are skilled with carving tools.". "Isn't this the 4th time we've found one of theses wood carvings?" Marshall asked again. "Now that you mention it, yeah there were others." Rocky replied and continued. "Today it was a carving of Town Hall a few feet away from the cliff, yesterday was a carving of Mayor Humdinger outside the front door, the day before that was a carving of a bridge next to the tire swing and the day before that was a wood carving of the whole Paw Patrol in front of the bridge.".

Marshall continued to hold the carving in his paws and rotated it in all angles. No signature or initial. Whoever this carver is, not only were they skilled, but they also wished to remain anonymous. Marshall really wanted to know who this mysterious wood carver was. But it was a better or for worse scenario. These wood carvings could be showing up as a prank or impractical joke, but it could be from an enemy or a baddy trying to trick them. "You know what I keep noticing?" Rocky asked. "The wood carvings are always near the lookout, but never inside.". Marshall dropped focus on the carving in his hand. This just got weird. "Actually yeah. That is true. This person doesn't enter the lookout, so that means it's someone we don't know well." Marshall said to Rocky as a reply.

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