Chapter 8: Into the Mines

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Disclaimer: I do NOT own Paw Patrol.


It's been long enough. Ryder, Marshall, Chase and Rubble left the lookout about less then an hour ago. They were in the mountains, making there way to the mines Ryder found. It was in a side of a large hill with a wooden frame around the mine entrance. They all stopped and got out of there vehicles. Chase jumped out and saw Marshall. He felt happy that things were better with the two of them. Rubble walked passed Chase and asked, "How are you feeling now Chase?". "I was already feeling pretty good. I feel even better now that Marshall is feeling better.", Chase replied. The wolf and bulldog walked to the front of the entrance were the boy and dalmatian were. Marshall turned on the flashlight on his helmet. "Wait, that thing works?! I thought it was for decoration.", Rubble said out loud. "Us to!", Marshall and Chase said. "In my defense, it was so small I thought it was a toy.", Ryder said. Marshall stood in front of the mine entrance with his light on. The room was rectangle shaped. It didn't have much. Some old mining tools, leaves blown into the entrance, and a tunnel leading deeper into the mines. Everyone walked in and to no surprise, Chase was the one who could see the best.

Chase found a pickaxe and examined it, being careful not to cut himself. The pickaxe wasn't rusty, just felt a little bumpy in some places. The wooden handle was pretty solid, just the wood near the metal was starting to rot. "Hey Rubble, you know about heave tools and machines for construction. Think we can use this?", Chase asked making Marshalls turn his head and shining the light on Chase. Rubble got close to the pickaxe and got a look at it. Rubble said, "I think this could be used. The wood is a little rotten here though.". Rubble rubbed his paw on the rotten wood. Ryder got on one knee and inspected it closely. "Marshall, think you can use your bandages to make this pickaxe more sturdy?", Ryder asked. Marshall took a look at it and thought he could do something. He took the pickaxe and took out a role of bandages. He wrapped it around the rotting wood and the metal pickaxe. Ryder looked at the pickaxe and it looked sturdy. "This should work. Thanks Marshall.", Ryder thanked. "No problem." Marshall responded. Chase looked ahead and saw a hallway with tracks leading into it. "I think we should follow the tracks. They lead to where miners usually minded.", Chase said to everyone. Ryder, holding the pickaxe said, "Lead the way Chase.".

Chase walked deeper into the mines with Marshall (Having his flashlight on), Rubble, and Ryder following him. They got into a big spacious cave, still following the tracks. They took a left downward and kept following the tracks. Eventually, the track ended with the big tunnel being blocked by a cave-in that must have happened a long time ago. It looked like it was mostly dirt with some rocks that was blocking the tunnel. "Rubble, think you can dig threw this?", Ryder asked the bulldog. Rubble replied, "I can try Ryder. Woof! Shovel!". Rubble barked and his bright yellow shovel came out of his pup pack. Rubble got to work digging out a tunnel to crawl through. Chase was glad Rubble was helping, but he felt like he should help him out. Without asking, Chase walked up behind Rubble and said, "Mind if I lend a paw?". Chase started digging into the dirt around where Rubble was digging. "Not at all. Thanks!", Rubble answered as he continued. Marshall wanted to help, but he had the flashlight. So he had to sit back and shine the light so everyone can see, except for Chase.

(25 minuets later)

They made a tunnel through the dirt block big enough for everyone to crawl through. "Good job guys!", Ryder complemented. "No problem Ryder.", Chase said. Everyone crawled through and made it to the other side where they kept walking, until they stopped.

They saw a hole in front of them. A hole that stretched across the tunnel they had to walk through and they couldn't see the bottom. Not even with Marshalls light or Chases eyes. Water could be heard running down there though. "Still no iron and we can't go any further.", Rubble said sadly, almost sounding defeated. "Not really. We can keep going.", Ryder said. Rubble looked at Ryder and was feeling hopeful a little. Chase said, "Yeah. I have experience dealing with wide spaces. I once jumped across an entire canyon!". "What?!? When?", Rubble asked in shock. Marshall answered with, "Last night, with Tracker. With his help, Chase jumped over a canyon. He can probably clear this.". Ryder took a look and said, "It might be best if one of you pups go with Chase.". Marshall and Rubble looked at each other and Rubble asked, "Marshall, think your ok going?". "You sure Rubble? You don't have to do that for me?", Marshall said while looking at his friend. "I want to go but I'm getting kind of tired.", Rubble told the dally and continued with, "I think I might fall asleep and I don't want Chase to carry me after he helped me dig the tunnel.". Marshall understood but before he could look back, Chase gently picked up Marshall by the collar and toss him on his back. He looked at Ryder and the boy handed Chase the pickaxe and Chase held it with his maw. "When you find some silver, get it out and come back. I don't think we should stay here so long.", Ryder said. Chase said something, but it was muffled by the pickaxe in his mouth. "Don't worry guys, we'll be fine.", Marshall told the two that were staying behind. "Good luck!", Rubble said. Ryder told them, "Watch out for each other.". With that, Chace backed up into the tunnel a little and ran out, making a huge jump and jumping over to the other side of the tunnel.

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