Chapter 1

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I hit the ground pretty hard. Damn. I couldn’t believe that it only took one punch to take me down. Today was not my day.


Through blurred vision I looked up at my attacker. He was laughing, just as you would expect him too. I could hear my asshole friends laughing too.


“Come on Hiroto! Get up and fight him!” I could hear the idiots call out. I could feel my blood running down my head and I quickly wiped it off with the sleeve of my jacket before steadily making my way back up to my feet. I could hear my mates cheering as I did which provided me with a bit of encouragement.


My attacker grinned. “What are you going to do?” he mocked, still laughing. I’ll punch that grin off your face in no time, just you wait. I was about to hit that jerk when the sudden voice of a girl called out to us.


“Stop it you two!! That’s enough!!”


Aww shit, Zoe’s here.


Zoe, being the fearless chick she was, stepped between the two of us and pushed us away from each other. She was smaller than both of us, but probably more scary than the rest of us guys combined.


“I don’t want to see any more fighting between the two of you, got it?!” she didn’t wait for a response before pushing the other guy away. “Now leave Hiroto alone.”


“Zoe….” I whined. “I don’t need you to help me…” In all honesty it was embarrassing, but I think she knew that. She sweetly smiled back in response to piss me off further.


The asshole that attacked me walked off with his entourage. They’ve learned from past experiences not to mess with Zoe, so I don’t blame them. Hell even I’m a bit scared.


I turned to face her. “What the f**k was that! You can’t just barge in, I could have taken that guy!” I was quickly shut up though by a slap in the face.


“Don’t swear like that in front of me you pig!” She exclaimed, her piercing blue eyes staring like daggers into my soul. “What did you even do to make that guy want to beat the crap out of you anyway?”


Before I had recovered from the hit I had just received to speak, Yuuji, one of my mates, cut in. “Claimed that Hiroto had been sleeping with that idiot’s girlfriend” And before I could even protest, there came another slap from Zoe.


And that one really hurt. “Owww!! I didn’t do anything Zoe!!!” Honestly, I hadn’t. That bastard’s girlfriend wasn’t even worth thinking about, she wasn’t attractive in the slightest.


Zoe, seeming pleased with herself at seeing me hurt, flipped her light pink hair over her shoulder. Not her natural colour by the way. “You damn better not have! We don’t need any more reasons to get into fights with that group of guys.”

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