Chapter 3 - Another one?!

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The next morning Woods and Sam were going to Blue Base and they met each other in the middle. Woods says, ''Are you ready for today Sam?'' Sam replies with a little nervous laughter, ''Yea. Well, I think so.'' and smiles at Woods. They both walked to the door and Woods opened it. They heard a noise coming from the vault so they went upstairs. They saw that Matt had already logged the serums and put them back in the box. They went up to Matt and asked him if there was an antidote in there. Matt replied, ''No.. not this time.'' Sam says to Matt while hugging him, ''It's okay. We'll find the antidote one day.'' Matt sighed and said, ''Yea, let's just hope we do find one.''

Woods asked them what they were supposed to do again today and Matt said, ''Oh yea, we have to go tell Deb what we found. You guys coming?'' Matt, Sam and Woods both went down the stairs and went into Mega Desk Office. Matt started the stream.

Matt typed, ''Hello Deb. We went out yesterday and we found more serums.'' Deb: ''That's good to hear. Is that all news you have?'' Matt: ''No, we found something else. We found the location where the RSD said the serum should be and it looked quite familiar to one of the locations we have visited.'' Deb: ''What did you find there?'' Matt: ''We found a trapdoor in the middle, we opened it and went inside. We found a huge hallway with a bunch of metal doors on both sides. We continued on walking and saw one of the doors was broken.'' Deb: ''Is that all you 3 found there?'' Matt: ''No, we found a black box with serums in them. There was this glass tank that was shattered and Sam found a necklace next to it. We heard a sound coming from down the hall so we took everything that we found and ran back, went up the ladder and came back here.'' Deb: ''It seems as though you found a new Syntec Location Site. I can't quite remember which site it is.'' Sam laughed nervously a bit and said, ''Wait what!?'' Woods said to himself, ''We found another one?''

Deb: ''You 3 must go back and search through everything, every room, and every hallway. You 3 found it faster than I thought you would. Go back as soon as you can because she's-'' the stream glitches which cuts Deb off and the stream ends. Matt looked at Sam and Woods confused and said, ''What just happened?'' No one said anything for a while and just looked at each other and trying to ask something but decided not to ask anything. Sam asked, ''Do you guys think Deb is okay?'' Matt shrugged and said, ''I don't know'' Woods stared deep in thought at the corner as usual.

''Okay... Get some work done, go home then come in the same time as this morning.'' Matt said while standing at the door. Everyone sighs at the same time without noticing, they walked out of Mega Desk Office and went back to what they usually do till the end of the workday.

They all went home at the end of the day and couldn't stop thinking of why Deb wants them to go back. All they know is that they had to make sure that they would be prepared for tomorrow.

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