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(i hate this story btw)



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"MOM." I yelled, "LETS GO." I ran to the stairs and saw my mom taking her time.

"Mackenzie, its 7:00 the flight is at 9:45." my mom said as we walked to the kitchen.

"okay but we have to pick up Avani, her mom and charli. plus we have to eat." I said, my mom rolling her eyes as she grab her car keys.


"AVANI." I yelled as she and her mom walked outside of their house.

"KENZ." Avani yelled matching my energy as I gave her the biggest hug.

"dude we are literally moving into our dorms today." I said as me and Avani stopped our hug.

"this is crazy." Avani said while we were putting her stuff in the car.

"Jaden and Joshes dorm is literally right down the hall from us." I said smiling as we closed the trunk and got in the car.

"Wait really?" Avani replied. I nodded.

"I'm excited that Charli can come."  My mom said looking at us through the mirror.

We got to Charlis house and she was standing outside waiting for us.

"CHARLI." me and Avani said in-sync, running to hug her.

"how was you vacation, with Jaden?" Avani asked grinning. Charli blushed.

"it was fun." Charli said giggling.

"okay guys we should probably head to the airport now." I said motioning Charli and Avani to the car.

|At the airport|

"Do you girls know when Josh and Jaden are getting here?" My mom asked checking her watch.

"Josh said they are like 5 minutes away. and that was like 3 minutes ago." I answered .

"Girls let me get a picture." Avanis mom smiled pulling out her phone as we posed.

"wait let me get one for my phone now." My mom said ducking under Avanis moms phone.

"guys there is a thing called texting, and you can send the pictures to eachother." Avani rolled her eyes then laughed.

"I wish Bryce and Blake were here." I said scrolling on Instagram looking at the pictures Bryce had posted of them. Bryce was helping Blake move into his college.

"They wish they were here." My mom said. "but atleast you can see Josh again soon." my mom added.

Josh has been on vacation in Canada with his family for 2 months. 2 months I haven't seen him in person.

"Mackenzie we are going to sit down." Charli said tapping my shoulder. I followed her over to a bench and me her and Avani just sat.

"Yo there they are." I heard a familiar voice say. I turned around to see Josh and Jaden just a few steps away.

"Josh." I said standing up and running to him. I gave him the biggest hug ever. "I missed you so much." I said wanting to cry.

"I missed you so much." Josh said leaning back looking me in the eyes.

"hey im here too" Jaden said after hugging Charli and Avani.

"Hi Jaden, I missed you too." I said letting go of Josh and moving over to Jaden and hugging him.

~30 minutes later~

"Guys we should be getting on the plane." My mom said motioning us over and we followed.

"Whats the seating arrangement? Avani asked as we waiting in line to get on the plane.

"I think these planes have 3 in a row." Josh responded looking at his ticket.

"Thanks Josh but that didnt answer my question." Avani sarcastically rolled her eyes.

"me, you and Josh? and I think the other seats we have are next to us so Charli and Jaden can sit there. Then our moms can sit in the other two seats. maybe." I shrugged. Everyone nodded and we got on the plane.

"I call window seat." Josh said scooting his way through. I sat next to him then Avani got the aisle seat.

"So how was your trip Josh." Avani asked leaning over so she could see him.

"It was good." Josh said quickly. "oh the planes lifting off." he changed the subject. me and Avani gave eachother a look.

"so what did you do in Canada?" I asked once we were in the air.

"nothing." Josh said looking out the window "the sky is very pretty." Josh once again changed the subject.

"Yeah it is." I rolled my eyes than looked at Avani who shrugged.

we sat in silence for a solid 10 minutes.

"Josh what happened in Canada?" I asked him once again. "like why cant you tell me."

"Canada was boring. Now im just gonna take a nap." Josh adjusted himself put headphones in and closed his eyes.

"literally what." I said turning to Avani. "he's been gone 2 months, I've waited 2 months for him to come back and hes acting like this."

"Maybe he just tired. He got back late last night and had to be up early." Avani said looking past me and at Josh who was knocked out.

"maybe." I responded looking at Josh. and shortly later falling asleep.

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