Chapter 12

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we zoom in the Jericho assault carrier along with its escorts Calpatria class carriers in their mirage colloid stealth mode were planning their largest attack on shinkine island being the target from their spies found out that the Euphy will be visiting a noble from the homeland which gives the atlas forces an opportunity to destroy the base

and the Lancelot if possible

Ades:as you know this island shinkine serves as a Britannia air base from what our spies have found the sub viceroy herself along with the knight of honour will be visiting this place to meet with a noble from the homeland which we found out is none either than the prime minister himself

Blagoj:Schnizel i presume

Ades:you are correct now the enemy main power will be weakend you have two objectives objective one destroy the base and if possible kill the commander and the soldiers being there objective two is to Damage or Destroy the Lancelot

Mica:and the black knights if they re after the Lancelot

Ades:ignore them also we have received intelliegence from our spies in the homeland Britannia is bringing the Avalon the prime minister ship along with a six generation frame called The Gawain which is armed with Hadron Cannons which we already developed the ones that are equiped will be Blagoj and Logan they will provide long range support take out the base and if you encounter the Avalon damaged if possible dismissed

Blagoj:it will be done suit up team WE GOT A FRAME TO DESTROY

Mica:roger that

Logan and David:understood

Will:lets get it done

meanwhile at the base Euphemia and Suzaku are waiting for Schnizel to arrive along with them is the earl of pudding aka Lloyd and his assistant Cecile

Lloyd:they do get alone also i look into the Norn mk 3 and you were right Cecile

Cecile:are you saying the one that pilots that frame is an ace pilot

Lloyd:even better it was built by THE  atlas corporation

Cecile:as if the one that controls all of Europe Africa and Middle East

Lloyd:yes and if im correct we are dealing with 5 seventh generation frames

Cecile:you mean the Gespent and that Gloucester received upgrades

Lloyd:to be far atlas always knows how to Surprises lets not forget they also have transformable aerial Frames along with seventh generation mass produced units designed for various objectives in mind close quarter  combat long and mid range combat and etc

Cecile:but how can those five pilots be classified as aces because if they did fight against the empire how many battles did they participate

Lloyd:that is a huge mystery from what reports have came those five pilots were have split up in two teams to retake the territories they lost in Europe the three led by the leader were sent to Russia while the other two went to Spain and Portugal

Cecile:what about the report of them fighting one of the rounds

Lloyd:from what i read the leader himself killed Luciano Bradley during the Empire failed invasion on France Last year and he showed no mercy when Bradley called his team cowards he showed him no mercy It was the first time the leader became Britannia main Concern and why the Lancelot models were rushed to be produced quickly to help turn the tide despite that both the trial and the grail will be defeated several times in battle the first time in Spain and later both in Russia and Japan

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