CH8: If I can control everything!

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Tubbo: Let do this.

Quackity: Let's go tubbo.

Tubbo: We will see when we get home.

Quackity: Yeah.

Tubbo and Quackity go to place.

They climbed up and they see dream.

Tubbo: Hello?

Dream: Hello?

Tubbo: ....Give us back the discs.

Dream: Do you think I have discs?

Quackity: Yeah.

They fight but dream is stronger.

Tubbo: He is killing me!

Quackity: Tubbo!

Dream: Quackity! Tubbo is gonna die! He is gonna die!

They give back discs but they didn't.

Quackity: ...

Dream: *Laugh*

Quackity: Why are you laughing?

Dream: That's how powerless you are! That's not even the discs! I'm just playing with you!

Quackity: ....

Dream: ....Drop everything.

Quackity We are not gonna-

Dream: Drop everything.

They drop everything and dream burn all.

After that they follow dream.

Dream: I- I cut my attachment. I blew up my house, I lost my friends, I lost my items, lost my crossbow, my... Y'know, everything that was important to me, my pets. I cut everything, 'cause that's what gave people power over each other. The reason you're here is because I have these dumb little items. 

Dream look at quackity and tubbo.

Dream: If I can control the things that people are attached to, then I can control the server again! Because this isn't TOMMY SMP, or TUBBO SMP, THIS IS DREAM SMP, right?! So I can control the server if I have everything that everybody cares about! That everybody's EVER cared about! I can control everything, alright? I can turn the server back to what it USED to be.

Quackity: You're psychopath.

Dream: I'm NOT psychopath! I just want to control! I need to control!

They see his correction and wall.

Dream: ...Say goodbye to your best friends.

Quackity: What?

Dream: Tubbo....Tubbo. He is a follower.

Quackity: He is NOT follower!

Dream: I'm serious. Say goodbye to your best friends.

Tubbo smile to quackity.

Tubbo: I... Yeah, it's over. We had some laughs! It was fun. Y'know. All good things must come to an end eventually. I just didn't think that this would be... This would be my... My "coming to an end", if you will.
 Quackity: What am I- What am I without you? What is tommy without you?
Tubbo: Yourself?

Quackity: You-Are you really-

Tubbo: Hey it's fine. We had laughs! This is checkmate. This is it. This is the end.

Quackity: Don't-Please don't go...

Dream: Punz?

Punz come out the portal.

Punz: I'm sorry dream. But you should've pay me more.

Everyone come out the portal and quackity run to them.

Tubbo: W-What?

Dream: Hey hey hey HEY!

Sapnap: Step away from them.

They took his all wepons.

Tubbo: Wai-

???: Why are you all here? What are you doing here?

Everyone surprise and look at voice.

Ranboo: I think this is not-

???: He try to kill tubbo! He try to kill my best friends ranboo!

Tubbo: ...Tommy? Is that you?

???: ...

Ranboo and he down and walk near them.

Ranboo and Dream: Tommy...

Tommy: Answer me. What are you doing here? You are correcting again?

Dream: ....I-

Tubbo: Ranboo? Tommy? 

They smile at tubbo and other people.

Tommy: Hey guys. How are you all doing?

Quackity: Tommy? Are that you? I- We thought you are dead.

Tommy: What? No. I'm alive.

Tommy hit dream and block him.

Tommy: ....Let's kill him-

Tubbo: No! I don't want him to die!

Tommy: But-But he try to kill you man!

Tubbo: But still-Still he is my big brother!

Tommy: I know! He WAS my brother tubbo! He was our big brother!

All: Brother?!

Dream: ....

Tubbo: .....There are many ways right?!

Tommy: No-

Sam: There is one way.

Tommy: What?

Sam: I made prison. We will put prison. And if he do something again, we will take his life.

Tommy: Dream. Me and tubbo will visit you tomorrow.

Dream: ....

After sam and dream left.

Tommy: So...see you tomorrow?

Tubbo: You will leave?

Tommy: Yeah. But we can meet tomorrow! Okay?

Tubbo nods.

Tommy and Ranboo left.

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