CH19: Past ~Part 2~

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Young tubbo: Why can't I meet with them?

Puffy: Because they are problem children. You will become like them and we don't want you to be like that.

Young tubbo: ...Okay

Puffy: Now you wanna go to shopping?

Young tubbo: Yes!

Puffy and tubbo left.



Puffy: Why did i born these problem useless kids?! You should DIE!

Young tommy: N-No I-

Tommy hug dream.

Dream smile and look at them.

Young dream: Please don't hit tom....please...

Father: You are saying you will pay for tommy and you?

Dream nods.

Father: Fine. Then go away.

Young dream: I will be go to our room.

Tommy nods and run away.

From the room tommy could hear the screams of men and women and the screams of his brother. 

Suddenly the sound stopped. And the door is open slowly.

Tommy look at door.

Young tommy: B -Brother?

Young dream: Yes toms?

Tommy can see dream's scars and face.

He starts cry.

Young tommy: Why are they hate us?

Young dream: Because they are jealous!

Young tommy: ? What do you mean?

Dream look at tommy.

Young dream: We are useless and worthless problem children. But...its means we are special!

Young tommy: Are we special children?!

Young dream: Yeah!

They smile at each other.

2 years later (D=10, Tom=7, Tubbo=6)

Their father dies a year ago.

Puffy became more abusive.

Tubbo was very young and he didn't know about abuse.

Dream protect tommy from her.

Tommy knows what she did to dream but he couldn't do anything.


Puffy: I have to go wanna come with me?

Young tubbo: Yes!

Puffy: Tomorrow morning we will go. Okay?

Young tubbo: Okay!

Puffy smile and go to room.

She open the door.

Young tommy: .....You-

Young dream: Are you going to somewhere?

Puffy: Yes.

Young dream: That's good for us. You don't need to see us and we don't need to see you.

Puffy: .....Well maybe?

She left the room.

Young tommy: ....Good timing.

Young dream: Yes...


Puffy and tubbo ride ship.

Puffy: Are you ready?

Young tubbo: Yes!

They ride away...

Tommy wake up.

Young tommy: Dream? Tubbo?

Young dream: Good morning tommy.

Young tommy: Where are they...? Where is tubbo?

Tommy look at dream.

Dream look at tommy sadly.

Young tommy: Why are you looking me sadly?

Young dream: Puffy....she take tubbo with her.

Tommy surprise and his eyes open widely.

Young tommy: W-What...?

Young dream: .....Let's leave this house.

Tommy nods.

They keep walking and they arrive on the mountain.

Young dream: We should rest here.

Young tommy: Okay.

They ate lunch.

Young tommy: Can we see tubbo someday?

Young dream: Yeah we will soon.

Young tommy: does he still remember us?

Young dream: Yes he does.

Young tommy: Please don't leave me...

Dream stand up front of tommy.

Young dream: One day I have to leave you, don't forget one thing.

Young tommy: What is it?

Young dream: Don't forget I am your big brother....don't forget you are not alone. 

Young tommy: I promise that i never forget!

Young dream: Thank you...

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