CH13: I'm you

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*That stream is so cool and crazy! I love that and this music. Thank you and enjoy <3

Dream sit down on the ground.

He watching clock.

Someone come to his cell.

It was ranboo.

Dream: Hello.

Ranboo: Ah.. Hello.

Ranboo look at dream.

Dream: You've come to visit me!

Ranboo: Yeah I know.. It's probably surprising seeing how we've barely talked if at all I think. 

Dream: What? It's not surprising. Actually I'm surprised you didn't come sooner.

Ranboo: Really? Wai- Why- okay.. well then you know why I'm here then.

Dream: Well we're like.. We're like best friends, right!

Ranboo: I'm.. We barely spoke we're not best friends!

Dream: What? I probably talked to you more then I talked to anyone on the entire server!

Ranboo: Okay I know what you- You're trying to scare me! I'm not gonna let you I'm-

He look afraid.

Dream: How am I trying to scare you?

Ranboo: Wha- No we haven't- we've barely interacted if at all- We're not-

Dream: Why are you acting different?

Ranboo: What do you mean 'Why am I acting different'? I'm acting.. like I normally act.

Dream: Oh...

Dream said silently.

Ranboo: What is.. what is that suppose to mean?

Dream didn't respond.

Dream: Well I'm glad you've came to visit me.

Ranboo: Yeah I- I don't know why you're glad cause I'm here to tell you what you did-

Dream: Well I'm just.. I'm glad to see you cause you've been a good helping hand and everything.

Dream walk to ranboo.

Ranboo: No you- You must know that I somehow hear your voice sometimes and that was just a complete lie the entire- You're trying to make me think that I did those things and I'm not gonna let you do that again.

Dream: But you did do those things.

Ranboo: No no I did none of those things!

Dream: You did them. After Dream told you but you did do them.

Dream look at ranboo.

Ranboo: After.. No I- I didn't know- there's- there's proof I've got rid of the voice. I've got rid of the voice!

Dream: No you've got rid of the voice because Dream got put in prison and you haven't been talking to him like you usually do so it's hard for you to imagine what he sounds like cause you've stop talking to him you used to talk to him every day

Ranboo: Why are you referring to you- Why are you referring to yourself in third person- Have you gone insane in prison?

Ranboo look afraid at dream.

Dream: You're right, you're right..

Dream go to his library.

Dream: Do you want to see what I've been writing?

Ranboo: Yeah sure.

Dream hand a book to him.

Ranboo: What have you been writing

Ranboo see the title 'Do not read'  

Ranboo: Wha-

Dream: You can look at it you can look at everything I've been writing.

Ranboo: How do you- No you must have been- You must have been- No you must have been you must have been just- you must- No you have been just-

Dream: You need to face the truth.

Dream smile at ranboo.

Ranboo: No I AM facing the truth! The truth is that you're a terrible person and that you've done so much to hurt everyone!

Dream: No the truth is that you've helped me. You've helped Dream

Ranboo: No I-

Dream: I'm not even Dream, alright. 

Ranboo: No no I got- You- You had to be- I've got rid of the- You know- Okay, no, you somehow know what I went through in the Panic Room and everything so you're doing this as a way to try to make me think that I'm-

Dream: I know what I went through because I'm YOU.

Ranboo: No- you no- No no no no no- You.. I don't know how you know what happened in the panic room but you're-

Dream: Look you've been helping Dream, the only reason you haven't been talking to me recently is because you just can't picture what he sounds like. You used to talk to him every day, you used to help him.

Ranboo: I- I wouldn't-

Dream: He would tell you things to do, "you were like his little servant."

Ranboo: No I can't- I couldn't- I couldn't let myself do that. You know that I couldn't let myself do that- I couldn't work with the person that has hurt so many people.

Dream: Well you did. You did.

Ranboo: No I-

Dream: Many times.

Ranboo: No but- If it's so prominent and if it's so much like you're saying then how come I don't remember any of it.

Dream: You do.

Ranboo: What do you mean I do? I don't- I don't remember.

Dream: You do because I'm YOU.

Ranboo: No you just have to-

Dream: I'm.. I'm not even real.

Dream dissapear.

Ranboo: I got rid of the voice, I got rid of it, I got rid of it, I got rid of it. I got- I got- I got-

Dream smile.

"It isn't over but I'm free :)"

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