Diary 2<

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(That is Kuro.What he look like when he was 10....Old for a 10 year old.Sorry Kuro~)

Meeting Kuro's fiancé was not easy...Kuro was stubborn and won't wear formal wears.And also due to he was now a werewolf,he grew faster than any other original people.

Yule got angry with his stubbornness of not wearing formal wears so she kind of slapped him...she didn't mean to do it though.Kuro got mad and went outside of his room and to the most quiet place in Solen...the garden.There was a brench and a water fountain...and also blue,red,pink and black roses.Kuro picked one of the blue rose and almost tore it into pieces...but a girl with black hair and red eyes stopped him.

"Don't you dare destroy that beautiful thing!"A girl yelled at Kuro from behind and grab the blue rose away from Kuro.Though Kuro didn't care and kept silent...

"You don't seem like a normal person...who are you?"The girl about Kuro's age asked Kuro joyfully.
Kuro not showing his face to the girl because she might see his slapped mark unconsciously told her his name.
"Kuro Ozelius..."

"Kuro Ozelius....The prince of Solen,right?!"The surprised girl yelled un-lady like.

"Dont your mother teach you to be ladylike?"Kuro said calmly and annoyed.He never seen a un-lady like girl before.

The girl went angry and almost go red.'I'll get revenge on you Mr.Rudey.'She though.

"Aren't you gonna ask my name?"She asked but Kuro stayed silence.'Your still not going to show your face Mr.Rudey??'She though again.
When she was going to pull his hair,Yule turned up.

"There you are,I've been looking for you Mr.Ozelius!"Yule scolded Kuro and grab his hand.Kuro turned around to look at Yule but also showed his face to the girl.
When she saw his face,she went wow.
She have never seen a person with pink eyes.

"Sorry,girl but Kuro's going back."Yule told the girl and went back with Kuro.
The little girl was all left behind....


"Fine...if you don't want to meet the girl.I'll lock you up in this room."Yule scolded him.Kuro still not speaking up got beaten by Yule.Kuro,not screaming or talking stayed with no emotion until Yule went out of his room and lock him there.Than he shed a tear...


Kuro's POV (Starting with Povs)

This guy...why does he look like Kura...His name is Vonce Octulas...He look just like Kura except for the eyes.They were red...We met 7 months ago......
.......Was its just me or he really looks like Kura?

"Am...Kuro???"I heard him saying...
Still I did not reply...

"Kuro?KURO!!!"He yelled in my face.

"Huh?What?What?"I replied not knowing what's wrong...

"You've been daydreaming~Who is it?A girl!?Tell me who she is!"He sang out the words.Now I'm realty annoyed.

"No one...I just miss my family."I lied.But I really do miss Rosalin...

"Than why don't you go meet them?You could...Oh...Wait,Mr.Zeolest don't let you...hey!...why don't you run away from here?"He spoke with a wide smile...

"R-run away?Betray my father?!"I yelled....

"yep!I'm sure he'll forgive you."

"I guess I'll think about it...."I replied and went away...


"Come this way Kuro..."Vonce said softly so no one can hear.
We were getter out of Solen and finally....we went out.
But the problem is the lights of Solen opened.Those werewolves guards can really smell us...

Me and Vonce run away from those guards and trying to get to Zorn so I could go see Rosalin peacefully.But now its all over...the guards have caught up and take me away....Vonce just run away with a smirk on his face...I don't understand...


Third Person POV

"Why?Why do you have to do this!?A person who disobey my orders will die....and I can't let it happen...but now you did...to make it happen."Zeolest spoke angrily.

"You have to listen father!"Kuro tried to tell why he run away but Zeolest didn't care of what he will say.He though he would only tell him lies......

Zeolest didn't want to kill Kuro so he was put into jail...

Until than.......Zeolest died.The council don't have a king to rule this country and had tried to find one but not even one wish to be king....except for Vonce.He accept the offer happily.

Once he was the crown Prince,he told Yule to put Kuro inside the most dangerous and scariest room...The room of Chains.Those Chains have hooks that hung peoples hands,legs and will thighten the chains rapping peoples body.That place was painful and not even one werewolf could survive....

Yule was terrified.She didn't except she is the one who have to chain him up....like she did to a girl....

She refused but Vonce told her to choose Death or Chains to him....Yule didn't want to die so she accepted it...

She take Kuro out of jail and went straight to the chains room.She putted him there and gave him some things.Those are a dagger and a necklace...The dagger is to protect yourself and to protect someone you care for.And the necklace was to find the one who could be his royal friend who would take up the actions and the throne with him...

Than Yule left the room....Kuro left behind though that there were no chains around like they say....but he was wrong...chains started to gather around him and strike for him.Those chains hit his legs,arms and rapping him around.Blood was dripping down the chains and his body was lifted into the air.....like that he was chained there for 6 years....


Kuro!Why is it so creepy!?!?


The story of Kuro OzeliusOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora