Chapter Eight

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It's still raining outside

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It's still raining outside.

Felix knows this because he can hear it. Heavy raindrops falling against the window, so loud he can barely hear his own thoughts. He can smell the rain. It smells like comfort; like gloomy days spent cuddled up on the sofa, conversations about little things that don't matter but pass the time so well.

He can feel it against his skin. Cold, sharp drops beating against his arms, the skin there raised with goosebumps. He can feel it soak into his shirt, sticking to his back, and the feeling reminds him of the times he's fallen on the ice and waited to get back up. Minutes, hours, spent just laying there, staring at the ceiling, wishing his mother was still there to pick him up and tell him it was okay, he'll get it eventually.

He can taste it as it drips into his mouth, warm and salty; he knows that it isn't the rain he tastes, but whats the point in acknowledging his tears?

He's hurt.

Physically, he's cold, and if he wasn't currently running like his life depended on it, he'd definitely be shivering. His muscles ache, and his head hurts, and his heart feels like it's been ripped in two.

He lied to him. It had to have been a lie. What was the point of it, though? Hasn't he been hurt enough? Wasn't his life over to begin with, hadn't they taken everything?

He had looked genuine, nervous even, but he must've been lying. It just wasn't possible. 

The rain is cold, his eyes are red, and he wants to go home. Not to the apartment he signed the lease to; no that was cold and bare and anything but home. He wants to breath in his mother's scent once again, look into her love-filled eyes, be held by her strong, motherly arms. He wants to eat his father's cooking just once more, and laugh at his cheesy jokes.

He wants to go home.

If his mother was here right now, she'd have enough sense to tell him he's overreacting. Give the nice boy a chance, he can here her say, but without his mother's arms there to catch him, the thought of falling is nearly terrifying.

He's under a tree, in some random park, and he has no clue where he is. The rain isn't stopping anytime soon, and he left his
phone so he can't call for a ride.

He sighs, covering his face with his hands. He's a mess. His life is a mess. His emotions are a mess. And to make everything worse, he can't even turn towards the one thing that makes him happy.

If he thought he didn't have a career in skating before he met Hyunjin, he definitely didn't now. He was jobless, packless, and to top it all off, he was lost in the middle of nowhere, wet, cold, and alone.

"Wow, you've really made it, Felix," he chuckles humorlessly to himself, circling his arms around his knees and pulling them up to his chest. He was tired, so tired that he didn't notice the voice calling out for him or the footsteps quickly approaching. He didn't noice him until his shoes appeared right in front of him, and he quickly looked up to see his worried face.

Fuck. Of course he followed him. Of course Hyunjin ran after him in the cold, autumn rain because obviously the universe hated him.

"Why did you follow me?" Felix looks up, voice wavering; gosh, he must look like a mess.

"Listen, you don't have to say anything about...what I said, you don't even have to talk to me again just-" he takes a deep breath, rain dripping into his eyes and mouth. "I had to know you were okay. Please let me take you home, you're probably freezing to death."

What about you?

"I can't-" Felix sniffs, quickly standing up from the cold, wet ground and faces Hyunjin, mouth pulled into a tight line. "Why did you lie? I-I just can't understand why, I thought we were friends?"

"What? What's are you talking about?" Hyunjin's face scrunches up in confusion, and he takes a step forward towards Felix, reaching out to touch the crying, shivering omega. Felix flinches away, backing up against the tree.

"D-Don't touch me, just-" Felix says as he closes his eyes, hands balled up into fists at his sides. "Please, leave me alone."

"Felix, why-" Hyunjin's voice cracks as he says his name, and his eyes hold so much pain, Felix has to look away. "I'm sorry if I'm not the person you expected o-or I'm not good enough or something, but please, we can stay friends-"

"No, not after this. I wish we could but...," Felix shakes his head, biting his lip as he tries so hard not to cry. "You can't be my perfect mate, Hyunjin, I just don't see why you would lie about something so serious."

"Lie!? I would never lie to you, Felix."

"I can't believe you."

"I would never-look into my eyes, Felix." Hyunjin cups the younger boy's face, tears dripping from his face and mixing with the rain that still falls. "I'm telling the truth, Felix, there's no way the way I feel about you is fake, I know it in my heart.

"You can't." Felix cries, trying to look away, but Hyunjin pulls his face towards him.

"What are you saying? Why, I don't understand Felix."

"You're lying because you can't be my perfect mate," Felix sniffs, voice weak.

"Because I already have one."

Don't ask me why they're in the rain okay I like writing scenes in the rain, it makes everything sadder. Also, more cliffhangers, I'm sorry I'm so evil I just can't help it 😭

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