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       "I.. I heard you wanted to see me..?" 

Lots of training by 2B made you finally learn what an inside voice actually is. You've managed to finally get to know the people who took you in on that one day that seemed like forever ago. 2B was like the doctor of the group despite not actually being medically licensed. Over the time you've run missions and errands for him while you built up trust, it's safe to say you've been hurt a few times. The field missions and runs they'd have you do while living in the facility were nothing compared to what 2B was having you do. You were fighting the very people who you grew up to know as safety. Flamethrowers were always the one, ONE thing you hated while you figured out what were your strong and weak points. You remember being lit on fire during a training session and just.. remembering the agonizing pain for the days you've had to endure all of that. It was the one thing you hated more than being locked up.

"Yes, you've proven yourself more capable than what I had anticipated. I really just thought you'd be another traitor who I'd have to cut up later, but you've proven that to be wrong with your resourcefulness. I think it's safe to say you're trustworthy. The option to be recruited to our team is on the table if you'd like, if not that's completely fine." "Yes..! That would be amazing." You thanked him for putting his time into you and left his office. 

     You met up with Deimos later, giving him a high-five which he promptly took. Over the time you've been running missions for Doc, Deimos has been practically your best friend in this lone place. He's always seemed to crack a joke when the air is dense and just lightens the entire mood. Doesn't matter if anyone is missing a limb or anything, he's just.. Deimos. "What's good? What'd Doc have to say?" "Basically just, recruiting me. He said I've proved myself to him and said that I'm able to join if I'd like, which I did." You said while strolling over to the mess-hall of the place; wasn't much but hey, it made food. "Oh shit for real? Congrats! Seemed just like it was yesterday that you came up to my truck pleading for a place." "Yeah yeah whatever." You scoffed as you poured out a left out can of soup into a pot before placing it over a garbage fire. "Hey hey chuckle-nuts is coming over." Deimos said before hopping over the counter and greeting his companion. Sanford is the most easy-going person in the entire group, aside from Deimos. He was the person you met after 2B, but once Sanford had heard from 2B and Deimos what had happened, of course he had his doubts and kept his guard up, but you've proven yourself to not be like all the other ones you grew up with. 

"What's good Deimos?" "Nothin' much, 2B came in with the all clear so me and Freddy Kreuger over here were just chillin'." "I CAN HEAR YOU Y'KNOW." You called out while in turn earned you a cackle from him. "Oh sweet! Congrats!" You gave Sanford a smile. The best you can rather since the ventilator covers your mouth, but the corners of your mouth raising your cheeks are a dead giveaway of your smiles. "So what's on the agenda today my dear compatriots?" "Not sure Deimos, Doc hasn't sent out anything and Hank is still on a field mission for the cloning facilities.." Sanford said while walking to the room you were currently in with Deimos following close behind.

     Hank. Hank J. Wimbleton himself. The very man you were made to fight against. The A.A.H.W. weren't always for terminating the man who posed a complete risk to Nevada, but once he had expressed little to no remorse for his actions, they had quickly changed their entire mission and existence to killing Hank. You didn't know how to feel about Hank. You've been taught your entire life to fight and be ready to give your life if needed to if Hank were to raid your faction, but now you're working alongside him.. He's quite scary in all honesty. The other 3 crewmates seemed to be perfectly fine with his threatening aura he always seemed to give off even with just standing perfectly still. He is, quite literally, just about a foot and a half taller than you and built like a straight freight train. He never seemed to talk, but rather gave off bodily language as to what he was doing or needed and the others seemed to understand him.

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