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      You quickly took a quick look at your surroundings, instantly seeking if there were any openings or any loose dirt that looked fresh. Doc had said something about Zed's coming in through the ground? What the hell. Like, you knew the stereotype from movies about the zombie hand coming out of the grave and all, but is that like, actually real?

"Alright guys, Doc had said somewhere in this sector, there would be cloning machines. I wonder why the actual hell they wanted to build them so far down underground?" Sanford asked out, questioning the same thing the entire crew was thinking. "Not sure, but hey, I'm just here to kill people and break shit." Deimos said devilishly as he adorned his specialty weapon in his hands. "I feel that, hah. But uh, we have a problem." You said, which caused them both to look towards you. "What's that (Y/N)?" "The entire area is flooded. My gut tells me this is er- not swimming water either." You crouched down and threw a loose rock into it, which it instantly disintegrated. "We can try and find some water valve to lower the flood water, that's probably why they have this place flooded like this, no one would suspect this shit would be here with this... water?" Deimos said, finishing your thoughts exactly. Just makes you wonder exactly what they'd be hiding to go through such efforts with the flood system.

"Well, we can split up and search for the valves. We all got headsets to contact one another if we encounter trouble, just don't die alright? Don't need to drag ashes back to Doc if y'all slip in." Sanford said confidently, forming a smile at the end, giving a quick joke that kinda gave you uneasy feelings. You wondered if Doc could even bring you guys back if you had died by this acidic water. You'd be nothing but dust. You quickly shuddered but shook it off, keeping the task in your head; can't back out now. "(Y/N), you look more acclimated towards climbing. There's a platform up towards the Eastern wall that looks like it has something. You'd have to climb the wall to get up there, but I assume it'd be no issue given your.." Sanford gestures towards your claws, "yeah. Deimos, go towards the Sewer entrances just near where we came in from, see if there's a way we can go in. I'll be in this area just a little further down. Everyone got it?" You all nodded and gave the signal heading off in each respected direction.

     Sanford wasn't wrong when it came to you being well-suited for climbing. Albeit, sometimes your claws would give out but this was all dirt, rocks and hard stone; just like rock-climbing! That was one of the many things that Yellow would test you for, so this was a cake walk for you. You sank one hand into the wall, feeling your claws give way easily into the wall but still being supported. Once you felt that, you began your journey. It didn't take long at all to reach the platform Sanford had mentioned to you; it had panels on it that needed specific key-cards to activate, but if your time in the labs have taught you anything, that violence solves everything. You quickly slashed through the differently labeled panels, causing sparks to fly as you felt the metal and glass break from you. It gave you a sickly grin; being able to easily destroy things like this. What if it was a person? How easily could you rip through their measly flesh and bones? You've spent years and years honing your skills but never actually had the opportunity you'd put it to be actually put in battle. You always spent your time in the labs or the enclosed area around your facility. It made you long for the thrill of battle.

You crawled around the area a bit longer, finding crevices to crawl into to discover a more open area. It was a vast and empty room, barely being lit up had it not been for the ominous purple and green glow a machine had caste in the distance. Walking up to it, you realized that it was one of the machines Doc had mentioned earlier. You peered closer to it, noticing the encrypted notes and words it had on the screen. "Hey, I think I found one of the cloning machines.. Any idea how to deactivate it?" You buzzed in on your headset, waiting for a response while fiddling with the loose parts coming off of the machine. It looked like it hasn't been used in a while, but you didn't want to leave this place knowing you willingly left one behind that might kick back into gear as soon as you leave. "Hey! Yeah just uh, hit the shit out of it. Works every time!" Deimos called in, giving you the most simplest yet most enjoyable instructions ever. "But uh, this is reinforced Dei, I don't think my claws can pierce through this." You said, tapping your claws to the metal, dragging them slightly and seeing not a scratch on it. "Uhh, got any hand items? There's usually some shit layin' around that the guys leave here sometimes. If not, I can head your way, wasn't much over here." "If you'd like, I can keep looking." With that, you buzzed out and inspected the machine more closely. There seemed to be panels all around, maybe with wires? You could possibly sever those and render this machine useless until someone comes by and replaces the wires. You sigh and look around, deciding your best bet was to find something to smash it with. Finding little to nothing around, you figured the best option was to call in for help.

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