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     After what had seemed like hours of trudging through sludge, dodging and killing any enemies (living or not), and cracking more sausage jokes, it seemed you three had reached the end of the sector. "What now? There ain't shit left in here." Deimos cracked out while lighting a cigarette, the flame casting a ghostly glow onto his face as he covered the end before puffing out. "Not sure, we could do a double take by looping back around just to make sure we got everything? I'd hate to leave this place without double checking, Doc would be on our asses about that." Sanford said, sheepishly looking away, thinking about the next objective for the mission. "Yeah, I think that sounds good." You admitted, going into a group approval before turning back around. Walking back the way you all came in, you once felt the ground become uneasy, but settling a bit after the rumbling. No zombies or grunts came in, just the tremors. It worried you a bit but who were you to complain? This job was going much more easier than you'd think it would've been. The ground shook a bit more, this time however, a few rocks from the ceiling came loose and began falling onto the ground, and sometimes on you. "Oh shit, this place might be coming down." Sanford said as he looked at the both of you and then up towards the ceiling of the cave you all were in;  stalactites cracking and weighing down from the shaking. "MOVE!" Sanford yelled as you three all picked up the pace and began running from the falling hazards. Sometimes a few would fall right in front of you, but you were quick on your feet so you were able to stop yourself and quickly maneuver around them. The others weren't as agile but still holding up.

It seemed like ages worth of running you three all did before you all finally got to the exit. Your adrenaline fueling your legs and senses much more effectively now, making you hyper-sensitive to noises and vibrations in the ground. "Damn, Doc didn't mention anything about this place collapsing." "Let's just be thankful we made it out alive, Deimos." "Yeah yeah I know, just stating the uh, thoughts of everyone here." Deimos shuddered out before lighting another cigarette to presumably ease himself. You can tell this was a habit he did to ease his nerves; albeit not quite healthy and not the best choice, but to everyone their own I suppose. "Do you smoke (Y/N)? I feel like my heart is going to explode." Deimos sighed as he sat down on the dry and ashy ground; you two following his moves shortly after him. "Uh, no. I like to uh, breathe, y'know?" "Well no shit yeah." He chuckled at your response before taking another inhale and exhale of the stick. "I say we go into town and get some drinks, I'm whooped." "But, aren't you forgetting that we are kinda.. y'know.. outcasts and criminals now? Wouldn't they try to detain us?" You questioned him, not sure why he'd say that if he obviously knew what the outcome would be. "Yeah but, we have guns." Deimos flashed his rifle towards you before you got the notion what he was implying. "I could kill for one right now." "HAHA YOU SAID IT SANFORD!" Deimos cackled at Sanford's cheesy but still legitimate answer to his earlier question. "I suppose one couldn't hurt." You said out while they gave out the thumbs up to each other. Getting up from your spot, you quickly headed to the truck with the two guys en route. You clambered into the hatchback as you settled into your spot, the other two guys going into their respective spots as well before turning the truck into gear and driving off towards the city.


     One drink turned into two, then three, then at that point you lost count. The entire bar was emptied out with the help of the other two since they tried to start a fight, but in the end, here you guys were; still alive while they weren't. Sanford and Deimos were laughing at something minuscule, you probably assumed it was another corny joke Deimos made that caused Sanford to start laughing. The empty glasses soon started lining up the bar wall as you felt yourself clutch your glass carefully, trying not to shatter it with your claws as you have already done it with nine other shot glasses. You never really had alcohol before, and you would assume you would've been a light-weight towards it; and that you are. You felt like you were about to fall out of your seat with the constant swaying your brain kept making you feel was reality.

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