To Die For

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Mickey is gathering her things for school when there's a knock on her bedroom door. Her parents have been taking every moment they can to check on her even though it's the last thing she wants. She picks up her notebooks just as her parents walk in—with her bag in Hermione's hand. "I was just about to get that."

Hermione holds the bag up and pulls out the flask that was inside of it. "Do you want to explain to us why this is in your bag, young lady?"

"You were going through my things?" Mickey frowns.

Hiram says, "Your bag fell and it fell out. That's not the point though. We know you're going through a hard time, but—"

"Spare me," she cuts him off. "You're the same guy who forced a drink down my throat when I told you I had a problem. And mom, you outed me when I specifically asked you not to—in front of my friends! So just stop pretending you care!" Mickey snatches the bag from her mother and puts her books inside of it. "I have to go."

"We don't think you should go anywhere in this raw state that you're in," Hermione says.

Mickey ignores them and leaves.

"Thanks for agreeing to film," Alice smiles warmly at Mickey. "Are you sure you can be late for school?"

Mickey stirs the contents of her coffee. "I had to stop here anyway, Alice."

Alice runs her hands over the front of her suit before pressing the record button on her camera. "Has Jughead's untimely demise caused you to relapse?" All the telling signs are there for Alice to interpret.

Mickey pushes her sunglasses to the top of her head, facing the woman. "It's all so tragic. Jughead's death. This town. The extremes people go to for the pettiest things. You know, I blame this town for my unhealthy coping mechanisms. I blame this town for everything bad."

"Really? It's where you met Jughead."

"It's also where the worst things have happened to him. We were gonna get out of here, you know? After graduation. Now, who knows what's gonna happen..."

Mickey stumbles into biology class late. It's borderline disrespectful how late she is. She notices her sister, Archie, and Betty sitting at a desk together, already gaping at her.

The teacher stands from his seat, "Miss Lodge? A word?"

She knows her teachers have been trying to be patient with her. That's why his voice is so gentle. She moves to stand in front of his desk.

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