Chapter 2

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Chan pov

Today is the first day of recording, I'm so nervous. The members were trying to bring my nerves down.

Minho: you got this, break a leg! *smirks*

Hyunjin: You got this we will come and visit

Han: Are you going to have food on set.

Minho: *slaps Han's arm*

Han: I mean, don't be nervous you're going to do great Chris.

Felix: *hugs Chris*

Seungmin: good luck Channie

Changbin: yeoo you got this
*says it in a cute voice*

I.N: You're going to be with a pretty girl bro just do it

(I.N I'm speechless)

I finally get to meet Y/N for the first time, she is really pretty and a great role model. My sister loves her I think that's the only reason I know about her because of Hannah.

When I enter the set I see Y/N going over her lines with the staff she looked so into it. The director came over to me and asked how I was doing. He introduced me to Y/N. She was short compared to me and it was cute how she looked up at me.

I didn't realize I was zoning out until Y/N waved her hand at me and said hello. We greeted each other then she went back to practicing her lines. It was weird, I thought she was about to call me Chris, but that would be impossible only my close friends and family call me that. I guess I'm just tired I should get some coffee before we start.

Y/N pov

When I woke up it was super early that I decided to go and get some coffee. Namjoon called me asking where I was. I told him I was on my way back to the hotel. The set was in downtown Manhattan, so I got a hotel close to the set that way I'm never late.

Since I got there early I started going over my lines. Soon after I hear the director calling me over and then I see him, Bang Christopher Chan.

Namjoon saw my reaction and told me that we're in the public eye just play it cool until the show is over.

When I walk over I see how tall he was compared to me. He's grown a lot seen I last saw him. Chris was in a whole different world, he didn't see me until I waved my hand in front of him.

Y/N: Chr... Channnnn you thereeee

Chris: huh oh sry hello Y/N I'm so glad we will be working together

Y/N: *smiles*
that's great if you need any help you know where to find me

Omg, I did not almost call Chan Chris that was so close. I guess he doesn't recognize me then, well this is going to be fun.

Now that everyone was there the director had us do the first scene. It was easy for me but Chris was having some problems.

Y/N: Bang Chan are you ok

Chris: pls call me Chan and yea I'm ok, just kinda nervous can u tell it's my first time.

Y/N: ohh I know how you feel. When I first started I was like that as well. Take a deep breath and just think you're the character don't feel like you are acting.

3rd pov:

The director suggested they take a break and chat a bit before they started again. Chris was at the snack table taking all the snacks. When Y/N saw what he was doing and approached him.

Y/N: hey snack thief, you know this is for everyone on set, not just you. You can always come back and get more.

Chris: hey Y/N I just wanted to bring some home for the members. They love kit kats, I just thought of my kids when I saw them.

Y/N: Well I hate to say this but kit kats are also my favorite. You can't just take them without asking if someone wants them. Got it, snack thief.

Chris: Cute
*hands Y/N the kit kat and smiles*

(Chan calling Y/N cute my heart)

Y/N: *blushes*
I... Umm, just don't take all the candy ok.

Y/N pov:

I was on my way to the snack table when I saw Chris taking all of my favorite candy. I called him a candy thief to see if he would give a reaction but he didn't. He just stared at me and called me cute.

Plsss I lost my shit after that I started to blush and stutter. I didn't have any words the only thing I could get out was a dumb reply, like what was wrong with me.

As I walked away I think Chris said something but I didn't hear what he said I just wanted to get the hell away from him before I said something dumb again. When I got in my dressing room my bestie/manager was there.

Y/N: hey Namjoon how's the boys I miss them

Namjoon: Hey Y/N, they are good. They're texting me now about you, they're excited about you being in the show. They said and I quote I can't wait to watch Y/Nnie on TV again.

Y/N: awww tell them I said thx you and I miss them and will try to visit soon.

Namjoon: now enough about the boys how's you and chan you seem a little flustered coming through that door. What did he call you a name or something?

Y/N: Actually yea he did. He called me cute after I called him a snack thief for almost taking all the kit kats. I wasn't expecting that to happen. So I guess you can say me and chan are doing great.
*Says sarcastically*

Y/N pov

When I was finish tell Namjoon everything else I felt as if his mood changed. He started asking a lot of questions.

Would you like to start dating soon

What's your ideal type

Do you want me to buy you kit kats

Would you like it if I called you cute

When you were younger did you have a crush on Chan

Namjoon asked this question before and I answer with a no but today I had to question myself to find out the answer. The chan one throw me off I had to ask myself did I have a crush on chan when I was younger or was it just because we were close.

A/N: sry for taking so long its midterms week and I have writers block I kinda still do I didn't know how to end it lol I hope yall enjoy don't forget to vote and share with others it helps thxxxx 💕💕💕

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