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Marilyn's POV...
It's been rough keeping Harry under wraps and still somehow manage to get through my shifts here and there. After im being sent to the south of France to cover the Cannes Festival. And I'm worried because I don't want to leave Rose alone with Harry.. Because I know how he is?. And what if he gets into trouble or brings strangers to the house without me knowing. I might even get evicted with him even staying there!. I still don't trust Harry sometimes since his run in with Carter looking at me on camera lastweek. He doesn't know I'm with Harry yet. No one does to be honest.. When Ironically, Carter catches me off guard and whispers lowly beneath my ear "why don't we both grab some coffee while susan's on her lunch break" He Says In reference to go blow him out back,
He feels up my skirt making me uncomfortable. Starting to click my pen profusely to calm my thoughts of jabbing it in his chest and beating  the shit out of him.
"No one will notice we'll be gone?, come on Mary what do you say?" He says As he reached further up my skirt and grabbed my knickers. Out of my own reflex I shoved him away from me and punched him in his face. Knocking him to the floor. DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH ME AGAIN!. I yelled seeming quite emotional right after and hid in the bathroom and sobbed for what must've been an hour. I rung Harry and told him about the incident. As surely he was on his way. " For christ's sake I bought her  a house for to live in!" "WITHOUT ME SHE'D BE BACK IN FUCKING ENGLAND ROTTING IN A CELL!". Carter yelled through his office to one of his associates. " Who Does The Bitch Think She Is!" He yelled. 
"Perhaps call the FBI?" Said the female associate
*carter chuckles *
"If that's the only way I can get her into giving me a handjob then I will."
I overheard As Harry Swung Open The door and Dragged Carter from His office. I finished using the toilets to see what was going on.
As I peeped out and saw Harry holding carter up against the wall and choking him as he struggled to breathe and call security.
"I Swear To Christ If You Ever Touch My Girlfriend Again I Will Blow Your Fucking brains out!" Harry Threatened as he gripped his hands tighter around carter's neck as he went blue in the face.
"You're Lucky I'm Only Strangling You" Harry said As I watched his arms flex whilst He strangled carter half to death. He punches him and lets him drop to the floor then kicks him in his stomach and starts beating him to a pulp. Knowing Harry, He doesn't know when to stop. So I had no choice but to break up the fight before he gets arrested and sent to jail.
I Grabbed Harry By his Jacket to get him to stop. Holding a Firm grip on him. Preventing him to go any further than he already has.
Pulling him off of my now former boss.
Harry Breathe!. I commanded as he still glared at carter who was coughing up blood and picking up his missing teeth that Harry had knocked out.
Harry?, Harry!. I said getting him to pay attention to me.
If You Want To keep Yourself out of trouble so we don't get caught!. You need to Control your anger. Know your Limits!. I said quietly whilst keeping an eye out. While a guard comes walking through the corridor. Blocking his attention from the incident I half heartedly kissed Harry long enough for the guard to walk by to see if carter was alright.
Let's go, I whispered to Harry as we both snuck out the back and drove off to the Hollywood hills and hid.
"I'm going to work with you now" Harry says whilst lighting a cigarette, inhaling the smoke.
Harry that's not necessary?. I said
"Why?, So He Can Feel You Up Again!, Don't forget I Fucking own you" He Says as he backhanded me.
Grabbing my pussy and firmly gripping it in his hand. Pressing down on it with his thumb. Making me wet at the feeling of how firm he was grabbing it.
He burns me with his cigarette and throws it elsewhere as it had landed near my foot and began to ignite the patch of dry leaves stepping on it before we burned down the entire forest.
This isn't England Harry!. I said as I had put out the next wildfire
"Well maybe if I burned this state to the ground, there won't be any losers  trying to Fuck you other than Me" He said pressing further into my clit. As I whimpered a bit.
And began rubbing it getting me to come.
"Oh and you're so wet" He whispers in my ear as he continues to massage it with his thumb. Feeling his hot breaths and warm kisses going below my neck and down to my breast as he continued to massage me.
"I want to dump my load in you so hard Mary but I don't know what's preventing me" He sarcastically teases due to me being possibly pregnant.
Harry and how many girls have you fucked after I gave birth to rose?. I said
"Not too many?, none of them were as tight as you " He said as he reached his hand into skirt and pulled off my wet knickers slipping his fingers inside of me. Easing them in and out, Adding a third finger as we locked lips Having a heated kiss as he picked up the pace, shoving them deeper inside of me. Biting the inside of his bottom lip. As he moaned to it.
"I might as well fuck you in his office once he recovers"he whispers below my ear. As fingers me harder. Making me squirt
"You're Mine Bitch!" He said as he began eating my pussy
Feeling his teeth clench down on my clit. I screamed with pleasure as he continued to devour me. Going a bit rough as he knew I'd come harder.
My legs trembling as my heartbeat rose faster
As I reached climax.
I could feel my cheeks were red as I felt his tongue slowly manoeuvre from the inside of my clit to the top. Licking the thick creamy substance expelling from pleasure.
"Turn Over" Harry Said
As I struggled to do so with leaves and Dirt tangled in my hair feeling the leaves caught in my shirt. Getting in position for him to do so. He moves my skirt up to my back. Placing his hands around my waist getting his grip of me, sliding it in and begins thrusting.
Grabbing a handful of my hair, yanking my head back as he continued to ram himself inside me.
"You're My Property!" Harry huskily moaned under his breath. As he got angrier and began putting all his strength into it. Making me Bleed from my bum. I could feel him tearing it open as he shoved himself harder and harder. Pinning me to the ground and shoving my face into the leaves as he releases. And pulls out from my rear.
"Pack your bags we're fucking leaving." He said As I slowly got up.
To go where Harry?. I Could've Lost My Job Because Of You!. Whilst trying not to show him any ounce of the amount of pain I was in.
He chuckles
"You don't need a job when you're with me babe"
He says. Knowing it was for his control over me.
"With the shit state, you're in, you're not gonna get very far with LA police on your arse"
What makes you think that they're not on yours either?. They're Watching us Harold!. I said. What about Rose?. What am I supposed to do with her once they find out that I'm a felon Harbouring a Fucking Drug Dealing Murderer In My Flat!. Do You Know how Much Shit I could be in!?. They Could Take Her away From me and Put Her Into Foster Care And I'd Never Get Her Back!. Do You not Think of These Things Harry?. She's My Daughter!. Ever Since You Came Here You Made it Worse for me. Because now I'm Constantly Worried About Her Safety Because You're Around!.
He chuckles and lights another cigarette and inhales. Then blows a ring of smoke in my face. He comes closer to me and pulls me close into his arms. Thinking of something obviously, because he was quiet. A little too quiet which is usually what he does when he's pissed and is planning someone's death and how he's going to get away with it. He hums and takes another smoke.
"You never cared for Rose?. Since You really think I'm that stupid, to get myself caught?" "How do you live here and not hate every moment of it. Fucking place is boring, not enough to kill"
England's laws and crime rates are much different than they are here. I said.
He sighs.
"Let's go back to England then"
He suggested while taking a smoke. Watching the sun begin to set.
I hate England, Harry. So many reasons why I don't want to go back there.
"I know the real reason why you hate it."
I nodded.
It's obvious. Never wanted to see your face again. And here you are having a smoke right beside me. It's like you never leave my side. You're always there. No matter how Annoying and Possessive you are.
He chuckles.
"Watch your words" he threatened.
I laughed. Or what?. You're gonna stab me?
"Marilyn If I didn't like you. I would've killed you when I had the chance. " " I don't think you realise that I don't actually hate you." "I just think you're a bitch."
I chuckled and finished my cigarette
And I think you're a possessive prick who doesn't know how to control himself. I said jokingly. You're not so hard to love. You're just an arsehole who tries too hard.
He chuckles. "That's a first coming from you"

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