Twenty Six

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Harry's POV... I had to Admit That I killed Rubie Rose or whatever her name was. She was getting " too personal" some would say. But I was also intoxicated at the moment when she caught me at my lowest. I was gonna commit after I saw what I did to the pale innocent girl. She belonged to the palace years ago.,So I had to figure out a way to dismember her body and destroy any evidence left behind in case anyone were to find out. Hell does it make sense that a kidnapped Princess my Dad stole from the Duke for Ransom that he refused to pay because it was too sketchy for his Royal Image?. Of course not. And now that she's dead and disposed of somewhere I can't even remember?. I might as well tell Mary, since She was her closest mate. Almost like a little sister she never had?. But that's her own fault for not paying back her father's useless debt that He owes my family still!. Even after my father and I went after him. Sure as Hell he was a fucking retard for bringing his four year old daughter with him. Nobody wants to fucking see their pussy of a dad be Spattered right in front of them. The only reason why I got my arse kicked and tortured was because I didn't do anything to "help" as In kill Her too because she fucking saw the entire thing . I have to admit my mum brought me to the funeral to make me watch. Just because she knew it was her form of torture to have her six year old son be blamed for something her idiot husband did. And yes I did do things to Mary I "shouldn't" have. But that was because I liked her. And I thought that since her mother does it to my mum. Than why the fuck can't i do it. Even though I fucking traumatized that bitch from the get go. But did she have any idea of what I was doing to her?. Hell no.
Just to get her all riled up for her best friend being slain I might as well get what I've been needing from Mary in the first place.
A good Fuck and No remourse after it later. Mary can be such an emotional Bitch after I'm done with her. I still find it sad that she has to hide from me.
I just want her fucking tits in my face. Seeming that I'm not the only one that got to fuck her in the past month.

Marilyn's POV....
I was starting to feel a bit worried about Rose and her being hidden away somewhere in Harry's basement. I know for a fucking fact harry hasn't done anything sick that will destroy or traumatise her. I know how that bastard is. He can fool me so many times, but its getting old. And he knows it.
When at the moment as I was pondering around in worry for Rubie I got a phone call. Hearing her voice on the other line saying "Hello This Is Rubie , I just wanted to say I had a great time with you guys and i'd love to see you more often., Maybe go Smoke sometime or whatever you cool people do?. Anyway it was nice talking to you!. Goodbyeee!." she said before the line went dead for a second on the other line. Hearing Harry's voice on the other end. Cringing by the sound of his annoying husky voice.
"That was her last phone call"
He said. As I rolled my eyes.
Gee I wonder why Harold.
"Don't call me that"
Whatever stupid. Anyway, I have what we "owe" you in return for Rubie.
He laughs.
"That's going to be a bit hard sweetheart?"
You're all over the fucking news and the FBI is far up our arses right now, You're not hard to find , if that's what you're trying to say.
He chuckles
"Clearly I fucking know that"" But what I'm saying?, is that you're not going to be able to find her "
That's what every coward of a serial killer says.
I'm not retarded.
"Clearly you are" "Come over for a drink and I'll tell you" "stay a while at least?"
I'm not going to stay in a house full of dirty perverted men with fucking herpes.
"Nor do I want to have sex with a slutty blonde that gave me many other diseases I don't like mentioning"
Oh like gonorrhoea, herpes, syphilis and chlamydia?. Which is what you have now?.
"I don't have all of them. But I'm stuck with a few,which is quite irritating"
I chuckled. I'm surprised you're not dead yet.
"Diseases won't fucking kill me" "you're boring me "
What doesn't bore you other than having my fanny in your face. Or between your yellow teeth.
"Can't say I'm the cleanest criminal on the planet but there are somethings that are worth cleaning. My mouth isn't one of them since I'm not a huge fan of fish markets and fucking other things that don't belong there"
Way to insult my vagina without even saying it.
"You insult me all the time" "Of Course I'm going to be truthful about your fucking blue waffle"
Fuck Off!
"Point proven" "senseless"
"Come over " "Now!" "we need to talk!"Harry said sternly before he hung up.
Deleting the call and placing my phone into my bra and sneaking out the back. Driving one of Hannah's Luxurious  sports cars to Harry's hideout. As for me I knew it was sort of a bad idea to go by myself?. But I don't want the girls to know that I'm putting myself in danger as of now.
I've got the money that my dad owed under the seat?. So maybe this was a settlement?.
Harry's POV.....
While The Lads Were sent off on a mission to go spy on Marilyn's Girls. I decided that I might as well distract her and keep her well away from what I've got planned for those daft bitches. Should Mary Trust me?. Of Course not!. I said thinking to myself while relaxing and having a spliff. While I hid the crack and cocked my gun as I heard three loud bangs on the tattered screen door. Getting up from the couch and peeping through the smallest crack of the blinds. Spotting Mary in a dark oversized hoodie standing in the rain as she sees me through the window and bangs on it. Unlocking the door and letting her in quickly in case anyone saw. Since I know we're being watched and listened to anyway Since Niall Had hacked into the National Bank and Stole Loads of Top Secret information from the government and enough Cash to get us Rich and killed. Locking the door behind her as she shivers.
"Harry why the fuck is it so cold in here!. "She bitched.
As I shhhed her by covering her mouth to keep her somewhat quiet.
"You got any booze?" She whispered.
In the fridge. I informed her as I watched her walk Into the kitchen to grab herself a bottle of Liam's favourite kind of malt liqueur and opens it and plops herself on the cheap piss stained couch. Propping her legs upon the coffee table. Kicking the glass pipes and heroine needles off of it. Keeping in my anger as she rudely did so and didn't bother to clean up the mess she made.
"So what's new?. You gonna tell me what you did to Rubie?" she said whilst taking a gulp.
No I was asking if you have the money or not.
"Done deal?" She said looking over at me and drinking.
I chuckled.
Don't fucking lie to me.,where is it. I said as she set down her liquor and lifted up her hoodie and took out as many of not more than £1M In Bands.
It made me wonder how the Hell she managed to fit all of that underneath such a thin and crappy sweater without looking suspicious
"One Million Pounds in Cash" She said dumping the bands onto the coffee table as some of it was falling onto the floor.
How did you manage to get all of that so quickly.
I said somewhat surprised.
"Courtesy of Living with a Rich Brat."
And she didn't notice you stole £1M If not more from her wallet?, I said as started counting the money to make sure the exact amount she gave me.
"She lost a bet. And yes I got her drunk and I stole her credit card and hacked into her mother's banking information since she's under a specific age. And took out at least 3M. But the other 2M went to you and somebody else I owe money to. "
Job well done. I said as I had finished counting the money.
"I don't get a thank you?" She said sarcastically.
As I leaned in to kiss her on the cheek.
Seeing that she gagged a little.
"Fucks Sake Do You Even Bathe let alone Fucking brush your goddamn teeth Harry!" She yelled.
There's no hot water. I said giving her a smug grin.
"I just gave you the cash to pay for it!."
I chuckled and purposely crawled over to her and gave her a whiff of my bad body odour. let alone my gingivitis.
Did I mention you gave me gonorrhoea?. I said breathing on her neck as she choked and moved away. Grabbing her pussy and massaging it as her foot shoots straight into my balls. Knocking the wind out of me and causing severe pain.
Can't you take a fucking Joke You stupid Bitch!.
I said in immense pain.
"You should learn how not to piss women off harry"
Shut the fuck up!. I said slowly getting up.
She chuckles while sipping her malt.
"You know you're quite the idiot when you get hit"
You're the one to talk?. I said taking a seat on the couch and shooting a dose of heroine to take my mind off the pain. Hearing her set down the bottle and getting off the couch.
"I'm getting another. You want one?" Mary asked.
Have many as you want.
I said relaxing as the high began lighting up my veins. Hearing her open the fridge and grab a few bottles of Liam's  heavy malt liqueur and comes back. Handing me two, then plopping herself back on the couch. Opening the bottle and taking a large sip. Unzipping her shorts and kicking them off. Relaxing in her blue and white period stained kickers.
Laying myself down on the tile floor to control my high without lashing out at her.
Nearly shitting myself as my phone rings out of no where. Searching for my back pocket to find my brand new phone. As it continued ringing. Hearing Mary's fumbling footsteps as she staggered over and grabbed my phone out of my pocket and answers.
"Harry isn't here?." "Who is this?" "Oh?. You want me to tell him when he gets back?" "Alright James I'll let him know"
Mary said sober enough to not studder her words as she was clearly drinking to have some fun. Or drink away her pain from looking at me. As she throws my phone at the wall and grabs my pony tail.
"Who The Fuck Is Millie!" Mary yelled infuriated.
No one.,she's no one. I lied as Mary Gripped my hair tighter.
"Is this what you wanted to talk to me about!" She yelled jerking back my head with my ponytail placing her knife against my neck.
"Tell me who the fuck she is Styles!"
She's a fucking shag partner. Nothing important or new. You bore me sometimes. I said as she removed the blade from my neck and stabs me in my arse.
That's for being a prick!. She spat and went back into the kitchen to smash things that aren't even hers.
Removing the blade deep in my arse cheek and throwing it. Walking into the kitchen to stop her from breaking anything else. Grabbing her arms and restraining her from moving an inch.
Calm down and listen.
"Fuck You!" She drunkenly bitched.
That's not a nice word. I prefer the word please?.
She chuckles.
"When have you ever said please"she said holding back tears since she's a lightweight. Keeping myself from not getting hard by how wet she was and how good she felt being up against me. She smelled fuckable.
"I need another drink!" She groaned as she was too tipsy to stand. Grabbing the leftover bottle of bourbon and pressing the bottle against her lips and pouring it down her throat. As she choked from the amount being forced down her throat.
As she Sleazily played with my balls by rubbing her bare clit through the holes of her stained knickers. Turning me on as she drunkenly played with me. Should I let her do what she wants with me?. Its not like she'll remember when she wakes up. Hell I have a drunk blonde that's in my kitchen giving me what I want. I couldn't help but feed my horny appetite. So I took her upstairs and threw her onto Niall's bed and locked the door. Mary too drunk to even move or defend herself from me getting what I want. Getting out of these shitty clothes and opening her legs as she had fallen asleep. Tearing off her knickers and tying them around her wrists so she won't fight back. Touching her soft milky white skin slowly down to her juicy pink clitoris. Sliding in my fingers and licking the inside of it with the tip of my tongue. Feeling her walls expand like a kitten in heat. Nuzzling my nose inside of her firey wet cunt. Inserting another finger and eating out the wetness as her juices flavoured my mouth. Waking her up enough to notice I made her squirt. Arching her back as she moaned, tightening her walls.
"Oh Harry Fuck!" She moaned
"Fuck!" She said as she squeezed me between her thighs making her come. eating out her cream as she was red from the booze and being freshly pleasured. She was weakened by the drugs and orgasm I gave her.
Hearing her mumble stupid nonsense under her breath. As I turned her on her stomach and held a pillow over the back of her head and straddled myself between her legs and rammed her until her pussy was red and I was ready to burst. Slapping her arse as she moaned under the pillow while I was cumming into her warm cunt. Filling her as I fucked hardest to the point she bled. Ripping her as my hips grinded against her arse. Bruising the inside of her thighs feeling her pelvic bone mash against mine. The high causing me to go faster as well as my heart rate at excessive speed. Pushing her head further into the mattress, finishing her off and falling to the floor blacking out into an unconscious coma it felt like. Waking up a few days which felt like hours later. Grabbing onto the cushion of the bed holding myself up. Noticing she had been gone. Her knickers were torn from the bed frame and her hoodie was still on the couch. Going downstairs to the boys playing poker with their prostitutes.
"How was the Sex with Mary?" Liam Douchingly teased
Great. I said going into the kitchen grabbing myself a beer.
Louis:Seems like you had a bit too much fun?.
From seeing my used needles everywhere.
I chuckled.
Maybe you should've joined the fun?, too bad you were at work?.
I said propping open my beer and drinking it.
Liam:Maybe you should've asked if you could drink any of my Malts?.
Shut up Liam.
I said not giving a rats arse
Liam: You've been on your arse for four days resting in your own vomit. Its time to pull your share around this house.

And what are you my dad?. I mocked him as I took a seat in the bean bag chair.

I heard him cock his gun and press it against my temple
Liam: You tell your little girlfriend to keep her hands off my booze. Liam threatened.

As I smacked the gun away from my head.
If you're going to shoot me then do it?. But don't do it because you're missing a couple bottles. Its pathetic.

As he puts it back and pulls out a roll of cash.

Liam: Then buy me more.

I said finishing my beer. And taking the cash.

Marilyn's POV.... I don't know why I was tied to a bed while harry was sleeping in vomit on the floor. Maybe he raped me and died from his HIV. Since He carries the disease. I can't believe I was that daft to wake up in  his bedroom. When I can't remember how I even got there and why I was stupid enough to go. Every time I fuck Harry I feel sick. So I wouldn't doubt that he gave me an illness that I probably had. Just worse. Whether he makes me late or not. There's a lot more to worry about than sensitive breasts and a lump. I mean hell I gave harry the money. He should at least be happy that I paid him off. If not more than what my dad really owed. Which was £11,030. Not £267,096. He's so off and Annoying it pisses me off!. I'm tired of him using and abusing me like I'm a fucking animal.

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