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Host one : Now, let's see how some of the forgotten celebrities are doing.

Host two : Who are we talking about today?

Host one : Today, we'll be looking into a celebrity who was not only popular in Korea, but also popular in entire Asia for her pure image. She's Oh Yoon-seo.

Host two : My goodness, I always wondered what she was up to these days. How is she doing? Do you know?

Host three : I heard that she's taking a hiatus and that she's waiting for the next project to come along.

Host two : But she was involved in a drug scandal. Do you think she can start acting again? I doubt that.

Host three : First of all, her drug test came out negative, and she was found not guilty in court. So it's possible for her to make a comeback. But she has a bad reputation now.

Host one : Exactly

While listening to the shows talking about her on the TV, she took out the pills and pour it on her palm. There were almost 30 pills on her palm.

Host three : The most important thing is that she's forgotten now.

Host two : Yes

Host one : That's right.

Host two : Currently speaking, I'm more popular than she is.

Y/N stare at the pills on her palm with a calm face. She slowly open her mouth and was about to eat it but then....

"No, Yoon Seo!"

She startled and looked at her manager.

Mr Gong run to her and kneel in front of her. He takes those pills away from her while saying "Yoon Seo, no! Don't do this! What are you doing? What is wrong with you?"

He quickly put those pills back to the small bottle and Y/N was in shocked. She stare at those some pills falling down on the floor.

"I get you're having a hard time, but this is wrong. Don't get me wrong. I understand how difficult things are for you. Your reputation hit rock bottom because you were involved in that darn scandal."

She blinked many times while listening to him with a poker face.

He continues, "You're broke after paying the cancellation fee. And you have so many anti-fan websites. So what if you're innocent? Your life's already become a mess. You have no friend to talk to or boyfriend to lean on. You play, eat and sleep alone, and you even gained weight. So I totally understand why you'd get depressed"

She startled and try to stop him from talking. Yet, she still let him talk.

"You know what Yoon Seo, as you see, this is still not right.  This is just too drastic, Yoon Seo."he said with a very concern face.

She blink again and says, "What...?" She looked at the pills and continue, "Hey, they're vitamins"

"Vitamins? Ya, what's wrong with you? How are these vitamins?"He said.

He quickly looked at the bottle pill and widened his eyes in shocked. 'MULTIVITAMIN' was written on the bottle pill.

He looked at her and says, "They are vitamins"

"Yes"she answered with her innocent face.

He looked at it again and says, "Then, why did you take so many?"

She slowly take it away from him and says, "It tells here to take 30 pills." She slowly looked at him.

He smiles awkwardly while holding the bottle. He says, "Listen to me, Yoon Seo. You are way too naive. It means there are 30 pills inside this bottle. Look here. It tells you to take one pill a day."

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