The beggining(Chapter 1)

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"Ugh,i studied SO HARD just to fail?!". Claire madly said while crying. She failed her exams although she studied for it. She's scared because she doesn't wanna get scold by her parents again.

*Flashbacks of year 2016 for Claire*

"Okay,down,down,now left,and pick it up! Yes we got it! Woohoo!" Younger Claire happily shouted while getting the toy on the Claw machine. 2016 was the BEST YEAR for her.

Claire asked her mom "Mom,can we go to a restaurant? I'm really hungry now"

Mom told Claire "Sure sweetie,and after we eat,we're going to the carnival!"

"Really? Thanks Mom!"

*A few hours later*

Claire and her Mom just arrived at the carnival. Lots of people laughing,people screaming on the roller coaster,and scary booths. Lots of snacks,horse ride, and many more fun games were at the carnival that time.

Mom: "So,which one do you wanna go first?"
Claire: "Over there!" *points at the scary booth*
Mom: "Are you sure sweetie?"
Claire: "Yes, mom!"

And so the Mother and the Daughter went to the scary booth first, and almost played and rode all the games and rides on the carnival. Claire was exhausted after hours of having fun.

Claire's father arrived at the carnival from work. He carried her daughter and fell asleep on his back. It was a great and fun night for everyone.

*The next morning*

Claire woke up in her bed not having any idea how she got there.

*Claire's Mother walks inside her

Mom: "Good morning sweetie,it's time to get up and eat. Your favorite cartoon show will start in like 5 minutes."
Claire: "Mom,how did i got here last night? I don't remember how i got here."
Mom: "It looks like you fell asleep while your dad's carrying you. And that's how you got here."

Claire got ready and went to the dining room with her mom while her dad is already watching her favorite cartoon show.

Claire: "Dad! You didn't even call me! You're already watching my favorite show!"
Her father said while laughing "I'm sorry! I forgot! Let's watch the show while we eat."

The family happily finished eating and had fun.

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