The Birthday(Chapter 2)

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*Flashbacks of year 2018 for Claire*

"Guess who turned 12 today?! Happy birthday our dear Claire!" Claire's parents happily greeted their daughter. Claire turned 12 on July 12,2018. She is so excited for her birthday.

Claire:"Thanks mom. Thanks dad!"

*Claire's parents gave her a birthday present*
"Okay sweetie, we have a special gift for you but, you are only allowed to open it after the party. Deal?"

"Yeah sure! Thanks again!"

*A few hours later*
Claire's birthday venue is magical and charming. It's filled with lots of disney characters, her favorite colors, and everything that she likes are the designs of the venue.

Claire is so happy to have her friends on her party. She received gifts from her relatives and her friends as well.

Max(Claire's best friend):"Happy Birthday Claire! Wish you all the best and here's a gift for you and i hope you'll like it."

Claire:"Of course i will! Thank you so much!"

The birthday girl just felt like she is dreaming. A dream that she don't want to have an ending.

Claire and her visitors enjoyed the night. They played a game such as the "Bring me" game where the host will say an object that they have to bring and within 10 seconds they have to go to the host with the object that they brought. If they do, they win. And the "Happy Birthday" game where a few contestants will compete where the longest "happy birthday" wins. They danced, sang, and the visitors gave a speech to Claire for her birthday.

Auntie Rachel (Claire's Auntie): "And for this night we celebrate the birth of my dear beautiful and respectful Claire, oh i remember. When she was just a little baby i used to babysit her whenever her parents are busy on work. And now, she is so big, so grown-up and beautiful just like her mother *chuckles*. I want to say Happy Birthday Claire and i hope that you enjoyed your celebration tonight and more birthdays to come!"

Claire: "Aww, thank you Auntie Rachel! That was so sweet and nice of you!"

And so the other visitors gave speech to Claire before the event ended.

Johnson (Claire's classmate): "Hey Claire! Happy birthday and thank you for inviting me!"

Claire: "Of course Johnson! And thank you for coming!"

The visitors went home. Claire and her mother went home while her dad takes care of the venue. The little girl was so tired. When they came home, she went to bed and said "Thank you Mom. This is the best night of my life". "Of course sweetie. You're welcome." Her mother replied. And when her mother said that, she already fell asleep because of her tiredness. Her dad came home and chuckled as he saw her daughter already sleeping.

It was the best night for Claire and for everyone.

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