The School (Chapter 3)

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*Flashbacks of year 2019 for Claire*

*Alarm Rings*
Claire stopped the alarm and got up to get ready for her school. She is still sleepy but she has to get ready as soon as possible.

Mom: "Claire are you awake? It's time to eat you don't wanna be late for school!"

Claire: "Yes Mom! Coming!"

And so the little girl immediately went down to eat. Her breakfast is truly amazing and tasty. It is a waffle with a butter on top and some maple syrup and sliced strawberries on the side.

*A few minutes later*
Claire finished eating. She helped her mom do the dishes and went to her room to take a bath and to get ready.

Dad: "Claire are you ready? We are going in 5 minutes!"

Claire: "Yeah dad just a minute!"

Claire is so excited to see her classmates. She doesn't like to wake up early but she knows that it's going to be worth it because she is going to bond with her friends.

*A few minutes later*
Claire went down to tell her dad that she is ready. Her father started the car and she hopped in.

Mom: "Don't forget to always be nice to your classmates okay?"

Claire: "Yes mom!"

And so the Father drove Claire to her school.

*After a few minutes*
Dad: "Alright we're here. Take care Claire and don't forget to listen to your teacher as always okay?"

Claire: "Yeah dad take care as well!"

The school is so pretty. The environment is perfect for learning, the colors are beautiful, and everything at the school is beautiful. She went to her room and her classmates are so noisy and loud. Their room is always a mess and noisy. But they still have the discipline that they need. Some classmates are cleaning, chatting, using their phones, and some students leave their rooms to go and play outside. The little girl went to sit in her chair.

Maxine(Claire's classmate): "Hey Claire how are you?"

Claire: "I'm good thank you for asking!"

The students chatted and they had fun. The bell rang and the students outside immediately ran in to their rooms. Their teacher arrived and some students helped the teacher carry her stuff.

Their teacher's name is Ma'am Amanda. She is strict but also fun. She is known for her teaching skills and strategies.

Ma'am Amanda: "Okay students good morning please take a sit and we are going to start our class with a prayer that is going to be leaded by Antonio."

*Antonio goes to the stage*
Antonio: "Let's bow our heads and pray. Our lord Jesus Christ thank you for your blessing and..."

While Antonio is praying, some students couldn't help but laugh at Antonio and at theirselves resulting Antonio to chuckle while praying.

Antonio: "And in Jesus name we pray, Amen."

Teacher: "Thank you Antonio, and now let's begin our class."

The students had fun at the school. They had a lot of activities but they didn't felt the stress and the students happily finished their activities.

*A few hours later*
Claire just finished school. The school bus arrived and brought them to their homes. It was a fun day for Claire.

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