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Albus POV 

i was walking down my road under dim street lamps with all the small white houses on my street. i needed a walk i was getting angry because i didn't get my homework. I mean i'm not stupid but math i mean its hard but over all i'm pretty smart. 

 I know shouldn't be out there because of the text i've been getting form an unknown number. I know i should've blocked them but i was interested I know i should have told an adult but im 16 im perfectly capable of taking care of myself. that's been texted me pretending to be my stalker ugh why  would someone do that. Anyway I got a text I opened the phone and looked.

----------------‐---------------‐----------- (A/N I added jimmy just for u)

Unknown: I see u
Albus: no u don't
Unknown: your wearing a black sweatshirt
Albus : it's dark how could u tell
Unknown: hmm better go back home AL or ima take u with me

I ran home as fast as i could i went back up stairs and opened the phone and messaged back.
Albus:  what the hell dude leave  me alone.
Then i blocked the number.

-time skip- 

I was walking home from school when my phone buzzed I opened and found the some unknown number.
Unknown: hey
Albus stop leave me alone
Unknown: look it's u
Then I got a pic of me looking at my phone in front of my house.
"Huh" I said looking around for anything unusual but I saw the same few cars of the street but then i went inside house but my parents weren't home yet, I decided that I'd be brave and go back outside and go for a walk I like walks I like soaking the sunlight and the texts were just a prank I told myself.

-time skip-

When I made it home school the next day i a got a text and just ignored it because I wanted to.😐✋ Then my mum came home and started asking me a whole bunch of questions. "Mum I'm fine school was fine" I said when I got a word in. She had been busy and so was dad so there like never home Lily and James are at there friends again. But mum sat on the side of the couch on a call. Then my phone buzzed again but this time I answered   the buzzing was getting annoying I probably should have put it on silent.

Unknown: hey Albus how ya been
Unknown: answer me
Albus: no
Unknown: wow how rude
Albus: ugh what do u want
Unknown: u
Albus: but u can't have me haha
Unknown: we'll see
Albus: ugh yeah we'll see 👀
Unknown: hmm 😒 meanie
Albus: bye nice talking to u
Unknown: awww
Albus: typo
With that i turned of the phone. And went to my room, it had light green walls with my posters and a small bed  I walked over to the bed to take a nap beacuase I was tired.

-time skip-

When I went downstairs mum was gone but left a note 'hey had a work call sorry be back 2 hours don't forget your homework'.  "Right like I'd do my homework" I never did my homework im failing only two classes. But I mean im trying to do better so I started paying attention in Class and doing home." Fine" I huffed. After what seemed like a lifetime I finished my homework I wished lily was here or James but they were at their friends house for a sleepover, they would have helped me.

I never had any friends that I could go over to their house. I barely leave my house only for school and to go on walks. I just sat there in my thoughts for 20 minutes cause like what else am I going to do. I got an idea I was going to text the unknown  number don't know if that's good idea but I did it anyway.

Albus: hey
Unknown: HI AL how are u
Albus: fine wht about u
Unknown: oh I'm fine🥰
Albus: ugh I'm done talking to bye love.
Unknown: ohhhhhhhhhh u love meeeeeeeeeeeeee😍😍😍
Albus: nope

I turned my phone off this person was so annoying sometimes but I love messing with them. then I walked out the house for a walk I locked the house up and when about  3 blocks in the neighborhood with all the small but cozy white house I was taking in the the sun light until I felt like someone was someone was fallowing me, I turned around to see a guy about the same age I felt a sharp pain in my neck. we I looked at what had touched my neck i saw a white syringe with light red lines. "What" my voice sounded slurred, my vision slowly leaving me. felt my body hit the blonde haired boys arms. I heard him say in my ear "see i got you like i wanted" his voice gave me butterflys in my Stomach. his voice was so sweet and gentle. but before I could respond I slipped in to a world of black.

I faded in and out of black in the car I know it's a car because I felt the car seat I was on I was straped on with a seat when I was in but one second later I was back in the black I don't know how long i was unconscious, but i woke up to the the boy standing right there holding me by my shoulders looking me in the eyes I instantly had butterflys in my stomach again. "Hi Albus my name is scorpius and you'll be staying with me for a while" I look down as he guides me in the cabin in the middle of the woods.

I thought we would go in to the basement or something but instead he sat me on the couch and started explaining the


well how was it my first fanfic if  theres any mistakes liker spelling pls tell me also suggestions are very appreciated 😀

p.s there will no SMUT i am 13 so but dont be disapointed there will be kissing (ifykyk)


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