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TW: Mention of self harm and self harm.

Albus P.O.V

I had a nightmare that night once I had fallen asleep. i had a very strange nightmare i was just standing there in the dark until i was back in the cabin by the front door Scorpius was there and so was teddy. Scorpius leaned in i knew what was about to happen tried not to look but i couldn't i had no control myself.

after i had watched scorpius tenderly kiss my god brother another horrid scene apperied Scorpius had stabbed teddy right through the heart all i could was cry i stand there watching my crush culet the blood from teddys open wound and then drank the blood. "Hey, hey its ok  I got you you're fine" I heard a faint voice that Brooke my panic.

I woke up in a cold sweat scorpius was holding me while I thought about my nightmare why had that had such an impact on him why did he start crying all over again how am I supposed to know it was just awful not just what bothered me I wanted to do that with scorpius more then anything.

3rd person P.O.V

he just wanted to stay there in scorpius arms and hug him forever but his train of thought was stopped  by scorpius standing up and handing out his hand to Albus he takes it and stumbles a little standing up he lead him out the room and to the table and told al to sit so he did expecting to be yell at.

Albus P.O.V

" Albus look at me" he said running his finger down my cheek. i look up at him with fear in my eyes, he must of noticed it and his expression soffened.

"Al can you tell me what you were dreaming about?" he asked he i didn't want to tell him what i had dreamed about i never wanted to tell him. he noticed this and didn't push this is why i had started falling in love with him, i noticed that he felt bad for locking me in there for the night.

"come on lighten up teddy is still here and he is going to play truth or dare" his voice was soothing and relaxing so i lightened up and i was ready for anything.

"great" i said in a happy tone forgetting about his nightmare i was genuinely happy i loved this game i only did dares, because of that one night he had played with friends.

"yo Albus truth or dare?" josh asked

"truth" i said with confidence even though all my friend were around me, in a tree house in joshes backyard, jake, leo,and john were there. we were siting on a small rug.

"ok what is your  biggest secret?" leo asked . my face went red and i suddenly could not move i guess it was time to tell them.

i rolled up my sleeve and looked away ashamed at what i was showing them there were small scars form were i had cut myself with a razor  blade  some were still fresh still looking away i felt all of them hug me but they were very disappointed and they told my parents and they made me go see a therapist that didn't help nothing worked so they moved here to this new city.

Scorpius shook me out of the memory still remembering about the blade in my sock i wondered if he knew that.

"i'm going to go wake up teddy brb" he said as he walked down stairs to the basement. i found myself on the couch digging through my sock and found it just as scorp and teddy aperied i didn't notice them and started doing my old habit. scorp snuck up behind me only to see what i had been doing. i quickly put the blade back in sock and noticed them behind me.

"hi.............." i mutter mostly to myself i didn't know how much they saw. scorp had sad eyes and teddys was glancing at my foot they knew i cant believe they know i know wasn't careful enough to keep the secret to myself.

"listen i can expla-" before i had finished scorp had hugged me so tight i couldn't breath but i hugged back. the sweet embrace was all i needed i Brooke down holding him tight.


sorry for not updateing i was busy so idid this in class 

dont forget to love your selves eat and drink

love u

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