Part 3

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"Eddie.." He lain in closer to me and i raise my head up to look at him in the eyes.
"Yes..". "I-i, kinda have feelings for you".
He spit out making me blush really hard.
I didn't expect that, never i would imagine him to say it, never in a million times.

I thought i was dreaming so i pinched my arm.
I look back at him and he was blushing too.


"Eddie..? Dude you there?" He said waving his hand in front of my eyes.
"H-huh? What?" I shook my head quickly.

"You're all red, what were you thinking?" He said smirking at me.
FUCK.. i just imaginate all the scene, it seamed so real though. FUCK. FUCK. FUCK. SHIT.

"Ehm yes, no, nothing yes" I panicked looking away.
"Calm down.. so i was trying to say, i took you here cuz i-" He suddenly interrupted leaving me doubtful and curious about what he was trying to tell me.

"YOOOOO WHAT'S UP" That idiot of Stanley yelled from two trees back there.
I rolled my eyes biting the inside of my cheek.

"Hi dude, nothing much, we were just talking" Richie answered.
Nothing much... he said NoThIng MuCh, well i guess he doesn't consider me as more than friends, as I wish he would. OR he just said that cause it would be weird if he said the opposite- YOU KNOW WHAT I DON'T CARE. but still, i do.

"Why didn't you invite the rest of the losers club?" Stanley asked curiously.
"We don't have to hang out together every time" He simply said back at him.

Stanley nodded coming to sit near me.
"Why are you so tense?" He asked me.
"I'm not tensed Stan, you just interrupted us- i mean- Richie was going to- ugh NEVER MIND DUDE" I said arrogantly not looking at him while playing with the laces of my shoes.

Richie tapped my shoulder gently "Don't worry, i'll tell you next time" he winked and stood up walking near the surface of the lake.

I followed him with my eyes, he's so mysterious.
He stared at the panorama for a couple minutes.

"Do you like him?" Stanley asked making me jump.
How does he- THIS GUY SCARES ME.

"What are you talking about" i asked with my eyes wide open.
"It's really obvious, you always stare at him loosing track of time and loosing yourself in his gaze, when he comes around you're suddenly nervous and when i talk about him you're so defensive even tho i'm not pointing out that you've fell for him" He said scaring the shit out of me for how precise he was describing me.

"I- HOW THE FUCK-" i couldn't help it but being shocked.
"I knew ittttttt!!" He screamed making Richie turn facing us from afar.

"Knew what?" Richie yelled for us to hear him because of the distance.
We both shook our hands as if to say "nothing", and he makes smears turning again towards the clear water.

"Just, keep this a secret, okay?" I said.
"Of course" He smiled at me.
"By the way, do you think-" I try to say but Richie interrupted me walking past me.

"C'mon let's go home, it's late" He says.
"But we just arrived-" I complain.
"I said, we're going home" He said snorting "Now". We did as he demanded.



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