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I have way too much ideas, and I'm a multi-shipper, so what better idea then to start a one-shot book?

I am open to pretty much all ships, so please comment your favourite, so I can see what I can do with your favourite ship. You're also fully allowed to comment an idea you have for a one-shot (like a soulmate AU), I love hearing them.

If it's a romantic story, I will be putting an 'x' between the names.
If it's more platonic, I will be putting an '+' between the names.
If it's about a familial bond (parent-kid, siblings, ect.) I'll put '&' between the names.

I may take some time to finish a one-shot, so please don't be disappointed if you requested something, and it's not written the next day.
I'm still at school, so that has a ever so slightly higher priority than writing.
This also means that this book will (probably) not be updated regularly.

Also, I try to make matching fanarts per one-shot I write. But not all fanart is necessarily mine, but I will make clear what is mine, and what is made by someone else (even with name of the artist if I can find it).
Some one-shots may get fanart additions later then that I original post the part.

Talking about fanart, the current cover is made by me.

If there is a mistake in one of the one-shots, or there is something you'd like a warning about, please kindly piont them out, I'll do my best to either fix the mistake, or add a warning.

That should be all for now, have fun reading my One-Shots!

Socksfor1 Crew One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now