Chapter 8 - The Elite

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My stubbornness leads me to fail to tell Maxon what I need by the deadline I agreed with my mother. Technically it's not my fault, the other day, when I actually planned to talk to my brother, he seemed even more anxious than the day before, when he announced the start of the Elite. I just need to wait a little longer, a time when he's more relaxed and has less on his mind, a time when he won't be even more stressed about what I'm going to tell him.

Now with only six Selected competing for the prince, Mom and I will have more time to spend with them, as we've been excited since the Selection was announced. My mother grew up in a large family, with three older siblings. Before and during her Selection, she always dreamed of having a large family with several children. Unfortunately she was never able to fulfill her dream, the environment in which she worked before going to the Selection made it difficult for her to get pregnant. She had two miscarriages before becoming pregnant with Maxon, and she says that when she found out she was pregnant again she was almost hopeless. My father, knowing about her condition, didn't want her to try to have more children after Maxon was born, after all, one was enough for him, he only needed one heir. Mom insisted on trying to have more. As well as her dream of giving Maxon a sibling, she also wanted to try for a girl, and that's when she fell pregnant with me, but just before that she had another miscarriage.

And the Selection is an opportunity for her to get to know the girls better and to get to know her future daughter-in-law, or is it daughters-in-law? Forget it, I can't delude myself like that.

We're in the Women's Room with the remaining Selected.

"No, no." my mother replies, chuckling. "I only had three bridesmaids, even though Clarkson's mother suggested I had more. I only wanted my sisters and my best friend, who I happened to have met during my Selection."

"I want seven bridesmaids." Kriss says. "That is, if Maxon chooses me and has a big wedding."

"Well, I don't want bridesmaids." Celeste says. I immediately look at her. "They're only good for diverting other people's attention. And since everything is going to be televised, I want all eyes on me."

I have to hold back my laughter. At least she hasn't said anything about marrying Maxon. Can that be a sign that she wants something with me, and not my brother, and that's why she's still here?

"I would like to incorporate some traditions from my culture into the wedding." Elise says. "New Asian girls wear red to the ceremony, and the groom must bring gifts to the bride's friends to thank them for letting her marry him."

"Remind me to come to your wedding. I love presents!" Kriss says.

"Me too!" Marlee agrees.

"Miss America, you are so quiet." Mom says, looking at the redhead. "What do you want for your wedding?"

America immediately blushes.

"Well, I just thought of the moment when my father hands me over to the groom. You know when he takes your hand and puts it in the hand of your future husband? That's the only part I ever really wanted to go through." she said sincerely.

"But everyone does it." Celeste complains. "It's not even original."

"I want to be sure that my father fully approves of my choice at the only really important moment of my life." America says.

"That's nice." Natalie says, as she sips her tea, looking out the window.

"I am sure he will approve. No matter who it is." Mom says, chuckling.

I realize that she almost meant to refer to the fact that she thinks America is Maxon's favorite.

"What about you, Your Highness?" Kriss asks me.

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