Rocker Boy-1

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This is a story I wrote a long time ago. It will probaly suck sorry :( but read it to see for yourself.

Sorry there may be some mistakes i kinda edited it.


                           Rocker Boy

The crowd is rushing towards me. People from all over the world are screaming my name, and only my name. I can feel the adrenaline running through my body. As I stand on the stage, I look around to find blinding lights all around me. I glance at the crowd feeling nervous. I turn towards him and I feel safe again. I look toward the crown again and smile knowing that this all I ever wanted in life. Suddenly, I see the brightest light that I have ever seen and then, I’m pulled away from my dream.

“Get up Alice time for school”, my mother says in her monotone voice.  Ugh! Why must the morning sun always ruin my dreams? I get up from my messy bed. I look down to see most of my pillows on the floor. I pick them up and put them in the exact same place that I’ve been putting them for as long as I could remember. My mom says I do that because I have OCD. I walk to my closet almost falling. My knees always feel like giving out when I take my first few steps of the day. I lay my school uniform on my bed. It’s a plaid dress. I hate it with a passion. I find myself staring at the uniform for what felt like five minutes, thinking of another way to punk it out. I end up doing nothing to it because I didn’t want to go to detention again for not wearing the proper dress code. I walk to my bathroom to put on my makeup. I don’t put on much. Just black eyeliner, mascara, and some lip gloss. I hear my cell phone go off in my room. I know who it is already. It’s the same person who has called me every morning since the seventh grade. It’s a wakeup call from my best friend Daniel. He checks on me to see if I’m going to school or not. He doesn’t like being left out on my plans.

I finally answer, “Yes, I am going to school today”.

“Ok. Do you know if our history report is due today?” Daniel replies.

This is our usual morning conversation. I say I’m going to school and he continues the conversation by asking about homework assignments.

“I think so. I’m not sure. Ask Martin he would know.” I suggest to him.

“Uggghh. I have to go. So could you like ask him for me? OK thanks bye.”

Daniel hangs up the phone before I get the chance to answer. He already knew my answer, which is a big fat NO! It’s not that I don’t like Martin; it’s just that we have been fighting for a week now and I don’t feel like talking to him. Daniel thinks we should get over the fight and that we are stupid to fight over a comment. To me it was a really harsh comment. You can’t just go up to someone who’s writing a song and start reading it and then to top it off, tell that person that their song is stupid! That’s dissing there art. I look out my window and see Martin walking to school already. I look away from him not wanting to see his face. I go back to the bathroom to comb out my knotted hair. Then I put my nose and upper ear piercing in. I grab my backpack and head out the door, ignoring my mother yelling I love you. I look up to the sky to see it’s a gray cloudy day. These are my favorite days. I walk slowly to my school. I stare and watch kids smiling and walking to school with their moms. I think back to those days. The days I didn’t understand much. One thing I did know was that I was happy.  Next I find myself passing by my old elementary school. I love to see the kids fight over silly things. I pause by the gate and look around the playground. Oh how I miss the swings. I laugh at myself and continue on my way to school. I look up ahead and see Daniel and Martin waiting for me in front of the school gates.


So tell me what you think :) I might change the title so give me some ideas :)

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