Rocker Boy-5

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 When I woke up Martin had left. Everything was nice and clean. I grab my keys and went to my garage. I pull out and see my neighbor. They don’t like me very much. They give me odd looks, like i'm a mental case. One time I heard them telling their kids to stay away from me, and that I’m a ticking time bomb that could go off any second. I ignore them; I never smile at them I just stare back. I drive for an hour. I end up in San Diego. I park at a lake. I sit at the edge when it starts to rain. I start watching rain drops hit the lake. I strip down in to my underwear and bra. I dive into the lake. Its freezing cold but my body goes numb, becoming oblivious to the ice cold water. I float on my back and let the rain hit my face. I start to cry and stare up into the rain. I wish the rain could wash the pain away. I feel like a misguided ghost that travels endlessly. My heart seems cold and empty. I never feel anything anymore.

“Mom I’m leaving. I don’t know when I’ll be back. I just need to get away for awhile. Goodbye.” I left a message on my mom’s cell phone. I’m traveling to places I’ve dreamt of going to. I pack up all my clothes, pull out all the money in my bank and head for the road. I drive to northern California. I visit Sacramento. It’s a beautiful town but it was too hot. I slept in my car to save money. I stay in Sacramento for a day and a half. I got tired of the sun light and went back to hit the road. I drove all the way to Oregon. I stop by Salem and stay for an hour. I passed by the coast line to smell the ocean. I put my hand out the window to feel the cool sea breeze. It feels good in my hair. I could almost taste the salt. I end up in the state of Washington. I love it here. I love how the clouds are always gray. I love how it rains. I actually feel happy here. I drive by the beach to see the gray wave’s crash into the sand. The water looks gloomy and depressing, but yet it looks beautiful. I love how the rain is always coming down. It seems to always go away for an hour and come back the next. I drive into the small town of Forks. It seems gloomier here and I love that. I love how the forest is so green and wet. I spend most of my time on the beach. I watch the wave’s crash into the rocks. I watch how the rain hits the ocean waters.

“Hi.” I hear a female voice say. I look up to see a pale girl. She seems 13. She has blonde hair with blue highlights. It looks like she’s broken her nose before. Her eyes are a light green.

“Hi.” I reply, I look back towards the ocean.

“I see you out here every day. I just wanted to say hi.” She walks away with her head down.

“What’s your name?” I call out to her.

“Willow. What’s yours?” she says.

“Alice. You have a pretty name. Would you like to sit with me?’ I ask.

“Sure.” She replies. “Do you live here?”

“Nope. I’m just visiting. Do you live here?” I say.

 “Yea, but I wish I didn’t. I want to live somewhere warm, sunny, and bright.” She says looking up to the gray clouds.

“I live in California. It’s sunny there.” I say.

“Why did you come here? It’s so depressing here.” She says looking at me straight in the eyes.

I turn away from her and stare at the waves. “It’s complicated.”

“Just tell me. I’m very mature for my age.” She said.

I look at her and say “I’m searching for my soul.” I look away from her. I could feel her eyes staring at me.

“Oh.” She says. There was a long moment of silence.

“I really like your hair.” I say breaking the silence.

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