Rocker Boy-Final chapter

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 The next morning my head was aching badly. I look around to see shattered glass. I sit up and get a clear shot of the room. Blanket's were tossed around two lamps were broken, and it seemed I had a gash on my hand. I get up and stumble to the bathroom. I look in the mirror. I stare at myself. My dyed hair has washed out and it’s blonde now. My tan face is now pale. My hair has grown too long. I walk down to the lobby I walk to the front desk. “Hi, did a Martin Xue check out this morning.” I ask. The lady turns around and looks at me. It was the same lady from last night.

She gives me a cold look and says “I’m sorry I can’t give out that information.” I look at her and gave her a cold look.

“Can you please just tell me?” I say

“I’m sorry I just can’t.” She says.

“Come on don’t be such a little brat about it. Just tell me!” I say. I look to her name tag. Her name is Fae. “Listen I am so sorry about last night Fae. I was very drunk and I apologize for my behavior. Now if you could just tell me if a Martin Xue checked out this morning.”

“Alice!” I hear Martin yell my name.

I turn around to see him exiting out of the elevator. I run to him and hug him. “I am so sorry about last night I was being messed up.” I say with sincerity in my voice.

“I’m sorry too. I shouldn't have said that stuff about Daniel I know how much he meant to you.” He says. We stand there hugging and crying and apologizing over and over again, and talking about Daniel. We go back up to my room which is now clean. We sit on my bed and hug. Martin breaks down I try to stay strong for him but I give in and cry with him. After a good three hours of crying we fall asleep. He slept on one side of the bed and I slept on the other.

When I woke up, it was midnight. My face was by Martin’s feet. I look down towards Martin to see my foot on top of his face. I get my foot off of him and I sit up. My head feels like it unattached to my neck. I walk to the bathroom. I look in the mirror to see my eyes red. I splash cold water on my face. When I put my head back up in the mirror I saw Martin and next to Martin was Daniel. I spin around quickly, so quick that lose my balance. I close my eyes waiting for my head to hit the bathtub. I end up falling in Martins arms. I feel relieved that he was there. I look up to him and see him smiling. We start laughing. We get dressed and decide to go to a club. We both decide on not drinking. We danced all night. We requested our old songs, I sang along to the words and Martin played the air drums. My favorite song played and it was a slow dance. Martin slow danced with me. I was happy he did. “Last dance.” The dj announced. It was one of my other favorite song Misguided Ghost by Paramore. Martin and I sang along. We decide to check out of the hotel and we hit the road back to L.A. we stop by my mom’s house first. She was mad that I didn’t call her. I apologize then Martin and I leave the house.

“I want to go somewhere. I want to get out of here.” I tell Martin.

“Ok but I decide where we go and it's going to be a surprise. We drive to the nearest airport.  He buys two tickets. He did a good job hiding where we went. We arrived there at 9:00 pm California time. Martin rents a small car. We drive on this road that looked familiar. We pass dead corn fields. We come to an intersection. The road is dead empty.

“Does this look familiar?”Martin asks.

“Yes.” I answer quietly.  I look around, I look at Martin. It suddenly hits me. This was where Daniel died. This is where the truck hit us. This is where I should’ve died. “Why did you bring me here? Why did you do this to me?”

“It’s time you accept that Daniel is gone. It’s time to get on with your life. For five years now everyone has seen you suffer and we are all tired of you being hurt.” Martin says holding my hand in comfort.

Tears are streaming down my cheeks. I get out of the car and stand in the middle of the intersection. I drop to my knees and cry. Martin gets out of the car. He bends down and takes me into his arms. He stays strong for me. I cry into his chest saying “It’s my fault he died. We should’ve waited for the light. I’m the one who let him run the light. It’s my fault that he’s dead. I guess I deserve this pain.”

“You don’t deserve this pain. Daniel does not feel that way. He loves you. He doesn’t want you to be miserable forever. He wants you to live forever. He wants you to continue playing music. He doesn’t want you this is this way.” He finally breaks down he holds me tight against his chest he kisses the top of my head. “You have to move on. I’ll help you. We could do this together. I’m sorry you feel this way.”

I look up to him, tears in his eyes. I hug him back .We sit there hugging and crying. We hold hands. We become closer from that one moment. We get up from the road and walk away. We walk into the corn field. The front of the field is dead but in the middle the field is fresh. We lie down and gaze up into the sky. We hold each other as we take turns crying.

“I have something to tell you. I’ve been holding it in but I am getting feelings for you.” Martin tells me that crying. “I shouldn’t though, I’ve been trying to stop them. You’re Daniels, I know.”

“Maybe Daniel is bringing us together maybe this the way it’s supposed to be. Maybe were supposed to help each other get through life.” I say looking at Martin. He looked at me crying. I hold him as he cries. He cries about how he’s breaking the guy code. We sleep in the corn field that night.

I wake up cold. Martin is sleeping still. I move his hand from on top of me. I walk into the intersection. I call Daniels name. I see him walking to me. I see his black hair. I see his beautiful face. He walks up to me and takes my hand.

“Daniel. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”

“It’s ok. It was never your fault; I want you to be happy. I approve of you and Martin. I know you are going to be alright. I’ve been watching you. Please get over the pain. It hurts me seeing you this way. When you die I’ll be waiting for you. I have to go now. I love you and I’ll always be your rocker boy.” I feel the weight of Daniels hand fade away. I see his face fade away from my eyes. He’s gone. I look up into the sky knowing he’s looking down on me.

“Goodbye my rocker boy. I love you.” I say. I walk back to the field I see Martin asleep. I smile. The first time in five years I smile. I feel the soreness escape from my body. I lay back down with Martin.  Stare up into the sky to see clouds in the shape of a smile. I smile back and thank Daniel for my life back. Martin puts his hand over me. I feel loved, happy, and relived, relieved that I could get on with life. I thank my rocker boy and go back to sleep. I sleep with joy. I love Daniel. I love Martin. I love my rocker boy!


So I wrote this story along time ago. I got this idea from watching the movie The Rocker. So should I continue writing about Alice and Martin or should I just leave it here?

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