Chapter 2: Bad Manners

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* Spencer; inspired by Ingrid Westad ^ *

Delilah's P.O.V.

I'm not sure what I was actually expecting when I imagined my roommate, but I know for sure that no imagined version matched the person sat before me. I don't know why, but for some odd reason, I just assumed she would be a lot like me and Fallon; girly, bright, cheerful. Well, I suppose that's more Fallon than me, but still.

Instead, I was met with a very dark aesthetic. Her eyeliner was damn near perfection, and she had short dark hair that fell into her eyes. I couldn't help notice how beautiful she was, even with all the dark clothes.

Her jawline could honestly cut paper.

My eyes were suddenly drawn to the number of tattoos she had dotted up and down her arms and across the top of her chest. It made me wonder what the story behind them was, or if there were any stories at all. I couldn't focus on just one, they were all really well inked on.

It's not like I've never met anyone with such a dark look; my high school was full of all the different cliques of 'goths' and 'emos', but she didn't seem to fit with either of those. I should really stop stereotyping people, dammit.

I shake the thoughts from my head, realising that I've just been stood here, gawking for longer than normal. I force a smile onto my face and try to channel some of Fallon's perky personality as I reach my hand out to her.

"Hi. I'm Delilah, I guess we're roommates, huh?"

I watch as her dark eyes slowly scan me up and down. I squirm a little, not liking the way she took in my entire self. I guess it was only fair though, I did blatantly stare at her when I first opened the door.

Her face took on a smug look, amusement twinkled in her eyes as she licked her lips and her eyes finally met mine. "Hey there, Delilah."

Ah, the bane of my life will always be that goddamn song. High school kids would relentlessly take the piss out of my name, and I really don't appreciate the joke following me to college.

"Uh, yeah. Hi. What did you say your name was?" I question, slightly hoping there would be an underlying joke I could make as payback.

"I didn't." The dark girl suddenly stood from her relaxed position on her bed. I watched as she grew taller, taller than I expected her to be. I suppose I've never really been that tall though.

I stood, slightly taken aback by her bad manners. I mean, imagine not introducing yourself to the person you're going to be living with for the next however-many-months.

She took a quick moment to watch my puzzled expression, her lips pulling slightly into a smile. Before I got the chance to say anything, however, she had brushed past me and out the door that I had blatantly left wide open.

Well, that was odd.

I decided not to manifest on her for too long and instead decided now would be the best time to start unpacking my things, especially since I had the entire room to myself.

The space was quite small. There was a shared bathroom for the two of us adjoined with the room; two single beds pushed into opposite walls; two sizeable desks; a wardrobe, and a chest of drawers. It was all pretty basic, but I'm sure by the time I've decorated my space, it will look a whole lot homier.

I glance at my roommate's side of the room, taking in the different posters of bands I didn't recognise, lyrics I had never heard. There were very few personal items such as pictures with friends or family, instead, it was mainly all practical things. Mainly stationery, college books, clothes, etc.

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