chapter 1

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The boy was named wilbur.

He lived in a world all to himself. He wandered its hills and excavated its villages. He played among the common folk, and befriended the uncommon. He laughed by dawn and fought by night. It was a simple life worth its simple joy.

Right now, he was heading home after gathering recources. "Ahh what a day!" He said.

"All that jumping had made me awfully tired, its nice to finally be back home."

He opened the door and said to the empty space.

"Im back! Did you miss me?"


"Hahah thank you thank you, i worked an awful ton today. Im glad you said so."


"Hahah really? Thats great thats great."


After bouts of silence, his smile grew wider and wider and he begun patting his own head.

"Hahah i did good i did good, i know."

Regaining his spunk, he walked towards a corner with multiple chests and begun regathering his recources.

"Hn...Thats a 7th stack. Do i need more? How much golden blocks should i get before proceding to the next one...?"

"1 stack, 4 stacks, 3 stacks.. Huh?"

"Where did all my cobble go? I swore i placed them there at the corner."

He opened up all his chests, but to his disappoinment they werent there.

"Where did they go? Did i leave them at the village? Oh mann.."

His head drooped,

"I guess ill check em out for a bit."

He packed up his tools, and glanced at the ceiling before leaving.

"Im heading out" he said towards the empty space.


Half way to the village, he could see random blocks and floating leaves from lazy tree chopping. His footsteps inadvertedly slowed down.

Did the villagers get another level up?

He stared at the setting sun.

Hopefully they didn't get to become much of a nuisance. He sighed. I wouldn't want another drought mob.

Once he'd arrived at the village, he spotted a brightly colored villager standing on 2 blocks of cobble. He stared at it for quite some time, before hastily crouching and holding out his sword.

"Yeah bitch!" The villager said as he dealt the last blow to the iron golem.

"Hey you!" A voice simultaneously came from the back.


Right then and there, their line of sight met. The villager froze for a second, before his eyes brightened.

"GASP. wilbur??" The villager dashed towards the figure infront of him.

"Huh? How do you know my name?" Wilbur looked cautiously at the villager running towards him.

"What? Im your pal trustyinnit! Haha you know me, id always be trusting haha"

"... Trustyinnit?" He looked at the strange villager.

"Oh my- you massive fuck. Tommyinnit its tommyinnit. No how are you? Hows your day?Ive been looking ages for you!"

"Huh? Im sorry, you seem like such a ... swell lad, but am i supposed to know you?" He looked at the strange tommyinnit infront of him.

Did the villagers get boosted this far? He thought.

"Yeah! Ofcourse you should know me. Now, come on come on. Lets kill the ender dragon"

"The ender dragon? Why?"

"What do you mean why? Its for a video. Now, come on come on. This amnesiac bit of yours is no fun at all." He said before hitting wilbur with a stick.

"Ow, what the heck?" Wilbur equipped his sword.

"Come on come on king! I'll explain it on the way." Tommylnnit said hitting him with the stick again.

"Stop it, i will get mad"

"Pffhaha get mad then bitch! Chase me" he said racing to the dawn.

"Wai- hey! Tommy!" He sighed.

He stared at the gradually disappearing name tag. Before finally deciding. "Lets kill that vilager",

He nodded to the empty space beside him and started his chase.

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