chapter 2

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Wilbur tried stopping the big child, but he could never really get through him. No matter how many times the villager died and lost its items, it always ressurected and went on pogging.

This was probably a mob just like him, he thought.

Nonetheless, worrying about it didn't do him any good. This big kid had a mind equal to that of a million squirrels combined, he was stubborn as hell.

Talking to him was completely useless. he always seemed to be on this 'bit' that he called. More so, that any more actions he tried reasoning with the kid was also a just a 'bit'.

He eventually stopped his persuasion and went with the flow. Its been quite a long time since he'd strayed his routine. Its always been gathering recources and building blocks, it wouldn't hurt going along with this new fun.

He stared at the tommyinnit throwing an orb.

This mob is pretty good too.

The feeling of being alone, almost overcame the peace of being alone. So much so, that hed begun conversing with open air. It's nice to have this lively little fella for a tad while.

"Hey wil! Ive found the stronghold!!"

See, Aint he a loud motherfucker?

He nodded to the empty space and patted his own head, before sprinting towards the tommyinnit.

"Yeah, let's go"

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