first loves, the purest of its kind

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Its so beautiful to see two people newly figuring out their feelings. They are shocked by their own ability to feel so much for a person, its bursting out of their heart and they can't even close their eyes at midnight. Thoughts rush through their mind, small pictures decorate their mind holding on to each picture hoping to remember these infinite moments. Suddenly as the sun rises, they are reminded of this special person because of how they were gushing about the philosophical lessons they learnt just through this natural phenomenon. As the leaves collect morning dew, you see your smile plastered on your face as they think of their smile. Minor moments hold deeper meaning which they don't mind collecting as long as they can feel this never ending euphoria forever. Its beautiful to see when they hug for the first time, realizing how their body's natural curves fit into their partner's. How they used to criticize the body which fit so perfectly with their special one's like a puzzle piece. As the new chapter is being written with smiles and giddiness all around, a realization hits and dawns upon, if this chapter would only be 3 pages long. What if this chapter didn't have sub chapters? sub parts when we finally fall and write our story together. Truth is, uncertainty leads to a stronger chapter, a long lasting chapter when communicated well enough, it says to your heart that you care about this heart you hold with you. Sparks, between touches are lit up from the minor actions that slowly cause the electricity flowing through your veins, sparks are in the air, enough to light up the whole city, a sprinkle of shyness, a heart racing, a soul enlightened. Truly doesn't get any better than this.

- ah first loves, the purest of its kind, even the world waits to see yet another "first"

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