breaking your own heart is an art

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letting you go was the most devastating thing i have to do, how could i have let go a love i waited for my whole life? how could i let go of the best thing that has ever happened to me?

i don't know the answers to the questions i have. maybe the answer was the sigh of relief on your face when i told you i held no resentment over our seperation.

maybe the answer was the disguised doubt in your eyes when i told you with hope entwined in my words when i said " the world will bring us back together", maybe the answer was when you lost faith in us. the faith i held on to for dear life. maybe? how would i ever know?

to you, i was just another girl trying to hold on to a rope which now has a lose end, just another girl who broke her own heart once again.

- breaking your own heart is a form of art, i have had the curse to master.

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