The finale (Part 3)

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Previously on Mr. Clean x Reader, you had an epic fight with Windex-Chan, and it turned out that Windex is Mr. Clean's ex. Mr. Clean turned into a magic eraser and erased her back into the screen, and after alllllll that he had a secret to tell you...

Mr. Clean gets all shy and nervous to tell you his secret, but you insist that he tells you. He tells you that no matter what it is, you'll still love him. You get annoyed at him for even saying that and just agree to get it over with. He then tells you his biggest secret...

"I'm actually Caillou, I just grew up.."

You look at the TV screen then back at him and then back at the TV screen. He holds your hands and asks you "Does it change anything?" You don't know how to feel. You say it doesn't change anything but the fact you're watching that movie, and then you guys make out 🤮🤮🤮🤢🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤢🤮🤢🤢, and then the next day you wake up but.... not in your house..

You see Mr. Clean and ask him what's going on, he tells you, he has turned you into a 2D character so he can be a with you forever and ever, you think that's insane of him!, he then walks to you and tells you how happy he is, and you give him a look of confusion. You try to escape but then he holds you and tells you there is no escape and then you start sobbing and you're stuck here forever. The end.

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