Chapter 7

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Helena had packed out a picnic basket for us and we both made our way into the garden, and she had layed out a blanket for us to sit on. She also layed out pillows foe our heads, she brought out her poetry book and she also gave me one to read because she knew I also liked reading.

You have a very beautiful garden Hellie, I love it so much and it's so peaceful.

Thank you love, the garden and the lounge is my most favorite place.

You have so many books, have you read them all?

To be honest I haven't haha I've bought some of them because I wanted to, but I have read most of them over the years.

Haha how many books do you actually have?

Wow that is a great question I would probably say around 500 books haha! I know that's alot but I do get some of them as a gift.

Books are literally everything in this world, it takes you to places that you have never been too! It's like music, music is such a big part of me that if music had to dissappear I think my soul would die! Because I can't live without music, it just has way to much meaning in my life and it has helped me cope with alot of things.

I'm sorry love that you have had to go through so much pain, I couldn't imagine how it must of been for you! But I'll always be here if you need someone to talk to or if you need a shoulder to cry on!

Thank you Hellie, I don't know how lucky I was to be able to meet you and to fall deeply in love with you! I guess it's a sign from the universe.

I'm just as glad to have met you love, you really have crawled deeply into my heart.

She interlocks her fingers with mine, she leans her head back onto the tree behind her. I look over to her and I just admire her beauty, the sun captures every inch of her face, everytime she opens her eyes you can see them sparkle whenever the sun catches them. Words can't explain how amazing she is and yes I say that alot because it's true, why wouldn't you be any more happy. I move myself to the side and I lay my head on her lap, I grab her sunglasses and I cover them over my eyes and I take a deep breath. I look up at her and she hasn't move but she has a smile on her face, she lays her arm around my waist like she's holding me and her other hand runs through my hair.

Whenever someone rubs my head I tend to fall asleep, with every stroke I could feel my eyes grow heavy and eventually I fell asleep! I felt comfortable in her presence and I felt save more than ever, I just don't want to let her go no matter what.

Helena's POV

Y/n had layed her head on my lap, so I rested my arm on her waist and I lightly played with her hair. I noticed that she put my glasses and on and she looked so cute, it looked alot better on her than me to be honest! She became very quiet and I noticed her breathing was very calm so I knew she had fallen asleep, she seemed so peaceful with me and that made me so happy because she has gone through alot in her life. I couldn't imagine on what she went through when her parents passed away and it doesn't seem like she has anyone else but Chris, I know that I have to look after her in any way that I can and show her the love that she needs.

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