Chapter 20

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Her kiss was soft and passionate but full of hunger, she put her hand on the back of my head to hold me in place. I wrapped both my arms around her, I always melt into her kiss because it just leaves butterflies in your tummy. It makes you feel protected and loved, I never thought that I could fall so deeply in love with someone and she had taken all my worries away from me! We pulled away from our kiss and I layed my head on her forehead.

I love you so much Miss Bonham Carter, I'm always lost for words when I'm with you and I know I say this alot but I'm just really happy to be with you!

I don't care how many times you say it love I'm always happy to hear you say it darling!

Hmm well I guess this is the right time to ask you a question!

And what question is that Bubba?

Soo we have known each other for about two months now and we have shared alot with each other! I spend most of my days with you and we are always together and.. Jesus this is hard! Okay haha so I wanted to ask you if you want to be my girlfriend? You don't have to say yes now if I am rushing it I will understand and I don't mind waiting!

Aww my sweet sweet girl, I don't think you are rushing it at all! You've become so close to me and you have meant alot to me these two months. It feels like I've known you for years, I couldn't be anymore happy to be your girlfriend my love!

Oh God haha Helena Bonham Carter is actually my fucking girlfriend! Sorry haha that was a bit..

She crashed her lips onto mine to Basically shutting me up, I cupped her face and I melted into her kiss. God this woman makes me knees weak like no body understands.

I couldn't be more happier to have you as my girlfriend! And to be honest I actually didn't know you were into women.

To be honest nor did I but the day I layed eyes on you I knew that you were going to be mine!

Claming me already darling!

You bet princess!

She whispered in my ear and she lightly bit my lobe, that immediately sent tingles down to my lady area. She just fucking turned me on, we'll she was more turned on when I was trying to turn her on but God now I'm turned on!

I.. I think we should get home now!

Why you in a rush princess?

I.. I'm getting a bit cold that's all! I chuckle slightly

Are you sure?

Hmm positive.

She gives me a smirk and we both walk to our things and we pack! I could feel that I needed her but I didn't want to make it obvious but I knew she was up to something for sure, I interlocked my fingers with hers I didn't say much but she was slightly teasing me because she would pull me closer to her and whisper sweet nothing into my ear. My breathing had started to get more heavier and my heart started racing, I really needed her touch but I knew I couldn't give in now!

𝑴𝒆𝒆𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒀𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝑶𝒏𝒆 𝑨𝒏𝒅 𝑶𝒏𝒍𝒚Where stories live. Discover now