The End of the Summer Holiday

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Betelgeuse was up and pouring porridge in the kitchen. In his, he did the milk first, then added the porridge, and for Remus, he did porridge first, then milk before heating them in the microwave.

"Rem. Rem? Remus breakfast! "He shouts from the stairs. Remus made a groaning noise, which indicated that he was just waking up. He yelled,

"Coming!" He murmured, wiping the sleep from his eye, "Morning!"

"Good morning, bud!" the demon said as he handed Remus his bowl and followed him into the living room. They flipped through the Movies that were on the tv until they came to Cast Away. Both seemed to enjoy themselves, particularly when Chuck Nolan met Wilson.

"WILSON!" screamed both of them at the same time. "Jinx!" they both exclaimed.

"So, it's back to school tomorrow, huh?" After eating his porridge and setting his bowl on the arm of the sofa, Betelgeuse stated.

"Ugh, don't bring it up again. It's a disaster."

"Come on, you're entering tenth grade. It can't possibly be that awful."

"Hm? I'm baffled by the American educational system. I'm heading into year 9."

"Neither do I understand the British system. I'm surprised you have to wear a uniform." Betelgeuse cracked a wry grin.

"I understand. It's a disaster. Schools in the United Kingdom are akin to prisons. If your shirt is one centimetre untucked, you will receive a 30-minute detention; if you are 30 seconds late, you will receive another 30-minute detention. Another detention if you forget one pencil! You earn an hour detention if you miss one question on the double-sided homework you have to finish overnight. You're not going to win!" Remus was irritated.

"While we're on the subject of uniforms, I'm going to get you some new clothing and stationery."

"You're not forced to."

"What have I told you, Remus?" Betelgeuse sent an ominous warning. That was enough to silence Remus. "Good boy!" Remus's head was caressed by Betelgeuse. Remus stretched and sprang to his feet from the sofa, collecting the demon's empty bowl and carrying it into the kitchen, where he placed it in the sink. He heard Betelgeuse say, "You best not wash them up Rem!"

"Don't be worried, Uncle. I'm not going to!" Remus reassured, but cleaned and put them away swiftly before grabbing a glass of Ribena. When it was still warm outdoors, God alone knows why they were eating porridge. It had only been a few days since the summer had ended. Betelgeuse would often get Remus squash and tea, but only Yorkshire Gold, because as Remus had previously stated, that was the only appropriate brew available. He wanted him to enjoy some British comforts. Any other options were out of the question. "Would you like a drink?" Remus called.

"Thanks, but no thanks!" Betelgeuse responded.

"Okay!" Remus walked upstairs and changed out of his pyjamas, spraying some deodorant that had just run out, and changing into his yellow and white striped shirt. He stripped down to his underpants and gazed at his erroneous physique. He was lost. Putting socks in his pants made him feel slightly better, but it didn't make him feel more manly. He was fortunate to be granted top surgery, but he knew it was simply to make his old foster parents appear as though they cared about him. He needed bottom surgery to assist him because the testosterone wasn't working, but he was afraid to ask anybody, including the demon. He couldn't even use the toilets at school, so as soon as he came home, he was desperate to empty his bladder and often had to wait for ages or just go on the spot to relieve the pain and get punished. Remus sighed as he packed, preferring not to look at his genuine feminine body parts. He then went to his bedside table's bottom drawer, grabbed his eye, and walked over to the mirror. He implanted the eye, although it was uncomfortable due to its small size. You could tell it wasn't real since it didn't fit correctly. He only wore the phoney one when he went out since Betelgeuse made him feel so comfortable without it.

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