#2: This Dude He Just Met

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TW: use of someone's deadname, language
Wednesday, September 1st, 2055
6:30 AM

Once all the cheerleaders were there, the coach, Mrs. Macnamara-Sawyer, began telling them everything they needed to know.

"As all of the Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors should remember, at the end of last year we took a vote for who this year's team captain will be, and I said I'd tell you who won on the first day of this year, and now it's time. Drum roll, please" she said. All the cheerleaders began excitedly hitting the floor of the gym with their hands "The 2055-2056 South High School Sea Lions cheer captain is Morticia Melon!"

  The boy was shocked. He knew he was a good cheerleader, and he knew it was normal for someone his age to be chosen, but he never expected it to be him.

"I'll be leading the first few practices, but Morticia will be taking over by the second week of school" Mrs. Macnamara-Sawyer explained. She then put them in stunt groups based on who seemed like they would work well together.

"Just do a basic prep and cradle out of it. I just want to see how well I think these groupings are going to work" she instructed.

The boy had been placed as a flyer, which didn't surprise him at all. That was his normal position. The backspot counted them off and they did the stunt perfectly.

The boy realized he hadn't even talked to anyone in his stunt group yet, and looked to see who had caught him. On his right was Rachel, someone he had known for years. He smiled at her. On his left was-holy fuck. This boy was really attractive. He had slightly tan skin and short, wavy black hair. He wore a NASA shirt, gym shorts, dark blue converse, and black framed glasses.

"Hi, I don't think we've met. I'm Logan," he said, setting the boy down. The boy just nodded. "...Do you have a name or...?" The boy just shook his head, causing Logan to laugh. That laugh... the boy had just met Logan, but that laugh convinced him he was in love. This boy didn't know a lot. Hell, he didn't even know his own name. But if there was one thing he knew, it's that he would do anything for this dude he just met.

He took a deep breath and shook off his gay panic and looked to Mrs. Sawyer-Macnamara for the next instruction.

~~Meanwhile, on the football practice field~~

"Alright, gather up sea lions!" Roman yelled. He had been announced as this year's football captain at their midnight madness a few weeks previously, and he was so excited. Not because he particularly loved football, but because he knew his parents would be proud... and also because he likes being the center of attention.

  "We're just gonna do some basic passing drills today, so find a partner, grab a ball, and then come back here for more instructions" he said, before walking up to one of his best friends in the whole world.

  "Hey, Lukas. Wanna be partners?" he asked

  "Always" Lukas replied with a chuckle. The pair walked over to the bin that held all of the balls and grabbed one before returning to the 40 years line so Roman could explain the drills they were doing.

Wednesday, September 1st, 2055
7:20 AM

Roman looked at his watch and then glanced over at the track where the cheerleaders were practicing. He ran over to them and grabbed one of the megaphones; it was labeled "Logan". Roman put the megaphone up to his lips and yelled, to make sure the team could hear him.

  "Alright guys, we have ten minutes to the bell! Go shower and change so you get to first period on time, and if you get there late anyways, don't blame me!" He yelled, then set the megaphone back down, hoping that whoever Logan was wouldn't mind that he had used it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2021 ⏰

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