I think I made a wrong turn in Albuquerque

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Remaster in progress - Remaster in progress - Remaster in progress!

NOTE:  Some stuff I use in here is just for the sake of the story so don't take it seriously! Thanks!

Also, Theres another story similar to this that I wrote! It's called "Fnaf sb, the Bartender."

Date: 4/20/21

Location: UNM, Albuquerque,  New Mexico

Event: Protest ( May escalate to Riots )

POV: Officer (Your Name [Y/N] )

I was in my police cruiser driving down a street when all of a sudden the radio chattered to life:

Police radio: " Seven-Adam-Fifteen we have a riot in Vista Del Norte park all available officers please respond."

You then pick up the mic and say:

Y/N: " Control, this is Y/N, I'm on my way to the riot over."

Police Radio: " Copy that."

With that I turned on my sirens, made a u-turn on the street I was on and sped down the road. 10 minutes have passed an I arrived on scene. It was a fairly large park grass wise with a small play ground. But rioters were tossing mottle-tops onto the grass fields burning them, then there were some who were vandalizing the play ground, and tearing pieces down. I pull my cruiser into the parking lot, get out and target the people specifically doing damage. While being yelled at by protesters slangs such as " Fuck The Police!, Police Are Racists!, You don't belong!, Police Brutality!, and a bunch more fun stuff.

I then realize I'm the only cop on scene. But nerveless I still had a job to do even if I'm alone. I find a man wearing all black holding a lit mottle-top so I run up to him and I draw out my service Glock and point it at him.

Y/N: "Sir! Extinguish the mottle-top! Your under arrest for property damage! "

Man wearing black: " Fuck you coppa! " He yelled back as he throws the mottle-top at my feet.

I jump back a bit and notice he has 5 other friends with him who have fire arms consisting of mainly bolt action rifles and hand guns. All of them were wearing blue-jeans, tank tops, and black bandanas. I may be screwed. I point my handgun at the mob and yell at them behind the flames:


Gangster #1: " Like hell we will Bitch! "

Gangster # 3: " Ye, you in our turf! Now eat lead! "

I then fall back on my back behind the flames as the gangsters open fire upon me miraculously missing me. I had no choice but to return fire. As I was on the ground I popped off three shots from my service pistol striking one in the head dropping him dead in an instant. I then feel a very hard punch in my vest as I heard a small boom. I was shot. I got up I saw 3 of the 5 shooters dead, and 2 rioters running away. For now I have won the battle. At least that's what I thought until both of them running away started to shoot at me as they were running. They missed all of  his shots I returned fire shooting one in the chest 3 times, he dropped dead, while the second one I shot once and he fell down with a plop.

Y/N: " Control Shots fired, repeat shots fired! 5 dead! "

30 minutes later...  Police Chief Nolan arrives on scene.

Nolan: " Officer Y/N ! "

Y/N: " Yes sir? "

Nolan: " Good job today, you did the best you could. Meet me back at the station at 5:00" ( 3 hours from now)  " I need to discuss something with you."

Y/N: " See you then sir! " I said.

5 hours later after the riot incident...

You walk just outside the Chief's  office and you knock a few times on the door frame.

Y/N: " Sir, you wanted to see me?" You asked.

Nolan: " Yes, come in Y/N."

Y/N: " So whats up Chief?"

Nolan: " You know that new Freddy's Mega Pizza Plex that just opened up?"

Y/N: " No sir, what about it? "

Nolan: " Well their looking for night guards with law enforcement training/experience and they are willing to pay 50 bucks an hour for each officer working the night shift there and they contacted me and said they would give us a 100,000 dollar increase in funding for the police of New Mexico if we let some of our officers work instead of being out on the streets. Since the government has been dragging it's feet recently for the police funding, and not really doing much about it. So I agreed to the terms. Which are to let 5 trained police officers work the night shift at the place. And I know that you have been through a lot of bullshit recently and beyond that many times before so if you want to work here you can think of this as a promotion and a long vacation. What do you say?"

Y/N: " I would ask for you to give me some time to think about it unless I have to answer now. "

Nolan: " I would but the info is due tomorrow."

Y/N: " Well I guess a technical promotion can't hurt. I'm in."

Chapter end.

Author's note:  Hello! I hope you all enjoyed this story as much as I did! This is just a preview for whats to come soon so the next chapter may be out at a later time!

Also the main reason why I wrote this is because like I said in the description, I saw a story with a similar plot to the one I'm writing right now but... it seemed like it was written by a 5 year old. So I wanted to change somethings in a different story. ( Not naming names )

Cya next time! Skipperthicc014 signing off for the night!

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