First night shift 11:00 PM-7:00 AM

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Chief Nolan informed you that instead of working on the streets like a regular cop, you would be working the night shift as a cop in a mall instead. Since you had the choice to do so I took it. Although it seemed suspicious that a mall would need actual cops working there they are offering serious dough to us. So I decided to say " Sure, why not?!? " With out questioning it. You may have made a mistake, but watching over a mall with 4 other cops, during the night, and with weird robots all over the place. What could possibly go wrong?

BUTT, before you work the night shift you had to adapt to being in the night shift. That includes inverting your sleeping time so your awake at night, and asleep during the day. Which wasn't so bad with the help of Blue-Bull ( For Legal reasons) energy drinks to keep you awake. Also before you took the re-location you were given a Key-card by the Chief to override and open/close any security doors that may be locked in case you need it. It was a white card that said " Level 3/3 clearance " In a black bold text. Attached to it was a flex string that could be attached to your shirt so you wouldn't loose it.

Time: 10:45 PM

Location: Freddy Fazbear's Mega Mall Pizza Plex ( East central )

You are just pulling up into the employee's only parking lot in your police cruiser ( Since you are still a cop and all) and park in front of a wall. The parking lot is just like any other underground parking lot but scaled down by 50% from what you could tell. Straight ahead of you there is 3 semi- truck loading bays, and to the right of that is your parking spot. You were the second one here. You can tell since there was a white sedan parked to the far right of the lot.

Your park you cruiser which happens to be right next to an entrance which was a single metal door marked with a red and white sticker that said " Employees Only! " Right next to the door handle was a key-card slot. You take  your key card and slide it in the slot, it made a beep sound a green light shined. You pull the door open and inside is a classroom size room with some chairs around a rectangular table. On the table was a coffee dispenser, and plastic cups. Next to it against a wall apears to be an armory locker. Inside were just Batons. Finally at the end of the room is a metal door. As you were looking around the room the metal door at the end of the room opens. A lady wearing a white security shirt, black pants, a police utility belt ( Fully decked out), and a security cap.

Security guard: " Oh, hello there you must be one of the new officers ! " She said with kindness.

Y/N: " Yep, Y/N at your service. "

Vanessa: " Nice to meet you, my name is Vanessa. I work the security Cameras here. And I'll be your manager for this place. We'll wait a little for the other officers to come and I'll start briefing y'all.

Y/N: " Sounds good."

10 minutes later 4 more officers arrive in the room. Officer Bradford, Officer Chen, Officer Bishop, and Officer West.

Vanessa: " Good evening everyone, my name is Vanessa and I am your manager of this mall here. As your read in the terms of service you will be issued an electrical baton to keep certain animatronics  from doing anything bad at night. Since they have advanced AI that is still being worked out."

Officer Bradford: " Wait what?"

Officer Chen: " Huh?"

Officer Bishop: " Hold up? "

Y/N: " Cool."

Officer West: " You guys didn't read the terms of service? "

All of the officer look at West.

Officer Bradford: " I- uh morely skimmed over it.-"

Officer West: " Officer Bradford, you were my T.O. You taught me to pay attention to stuff closely when on the streets."

Officer Bishop: " Bruh."

Y/N: " Hah!"

Vanessa: " Ok, ok, settle down guys. The animatronics are built with AI to act  like an actual person. But there some animtronics that are such a bad condition they act sort of like psycho path to the good animatronics. So keep an eye out for them they are easy to spot since they are so broken down and all. Just look for a broken down white fox, and a black thin animatronic that has tentacles. All you have to do is ZAP them with the special batons I'm about to give you and they'll shut off for an hour or two. For what ever reason they are only active at night. From 11:00 PM to 7:00 AM."

Officer West: " Why don't you just keep them locked up if they are so bad? "

Vanessa: " We tried but they just mysteriously dissapere from there rooms even with it locked. We tried dismantling them but even that doesn't work."

Eventually after 10 more minutes of briefing you were dismissed into the mall for your first night. You were given an electrical Baton to replace your regular baton. You went to the middle floor of the 3 story mall where the good animatronics were. Vanessa mentioned their names were Glamrock Freddy who is a bear ( GF for short ), Glamrock Chica who is a white feathered chicken ( GC for short) , Montgomery Gator an alligator ( MG for short), and finally Roxanne Wolf  a wolf ( RW for short ).

You walked up the stairs into a large room filled with large tables and food bars off to the side with a stage in the middle. But the animatronics werent on the stage. There were all sitting at a table. When you first saw them your eyes mentally shattered. They looked exactly like a real furry that isn't some cheap costume. Like GF for example has a bear head that looks like an actual bear. But what was worse for for your mental health was the female characters. RW, and GC were more appealing to the audience is the best way to describe it from your perspective. But it's not over for your mental Health! All 4 of the animatronics were talking to each other sitting at a table and eating. Eating actual food. You didn't know what to  do but stare from a distance for oh 5 minutes or so until you decided to just turn around and mind your own business.

Meanwhile: Roxanne's perspective

Monty: " So, have you guys heard about the new guards the company  hired recently? "

Chica: "Really!?!? About time! "

Freddy: " Yeah, With Vanessa gone especially after what she did to that poor kid Greg. Such a horrible person. It makes sense why they would try to find more than one guard with experience. "

Roxanne: " I wonder what they are like. " She said as she finished her pizza.

Chica: " Me too! Hey you know what Roxanne?" She asked.

Roxanne: " What? "

Chica: " Why don't we find one of the new guards and get to know them? "

Roxanne: " Sure, I don't see why not! "

Freddy: " You two go ahead, Ima just chill here. "

Monty: " Yeah, I'll stay with Freddy."

Roxanne: " Alright suit your selfs! "

Chica: " Later guys! "

With that Roxanne and Chica went off to find one of  the new guards. And they did. It was you they found.

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