Chapter 1

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"Welcome to the Wired Autocomplete Interview! Today we have Zendaya, Jacob Batalon, and Tom Holland, actors in "The Amazing Spider-Man!" They are going to look at the most common things looked up about them on the internet," The interviewer said, while my brother, Zendaya, and Jacob sit in director chairs.

"Alright, lets start with Tom," Someone said, handing them a large card with "what is Tom Holland" and "does tom holland," and "Is tom holland" questions underneath a google search bar.

"Something tells me this will be interesting," I said to myself before looking back to my phone.

"Let's get started!" Zendaya said. I nodded my head, agreeing with her.

"Yeah, lest's get started. I'm excited for this one," Jacob said, making me laugh in agreement.

"Does tom holland do his own stunts," Was the first question they unveiled.

"Yeah, because he's buff!" I said laughing.

My brother later said that he does his own stunts but has 2 stunt doubles for the stunts he can't do. Then they continued on to the next question.

"Does Tom Holland spoil movies?" Was the second question.

"Yeah. He spoiled his own sisters movie. That idiot never could keep a secret, except his own. Dumbass," I said shaking my head.

"Umm. In the last interview, I kinda spoiled the release of the new "Wild Card" movie," Tom said.

"I'm surprised that Marvel hasn't fired you yet. They haven't even finished filming!" Jacob said.

Jacob pulled the next strip off of the board.

"Does Tom Holland have a sister?" It said.

"Oh this will be good. You better answer it right Tommy, or I'm calling you and telling mom." I said.

"I'll never tell," He said, making Jacob laugh.

"You already posted a video on your Instagram with you and Maeve dancing with your mom." Zendaya said while laughing.

"Well, that's not exactly what I was looking for. But I guess it works." I said shrugging.

"Maeve Holland! We need to film!" The director called. I went to put my phone down so I could go film the scene when the next question came up.

"Are Tom Holland and Maeve Holland related?" That caught my attention and I waited to see what he said.

"Oh God," He said looking down.

"Ugh. Rude," I scoffed. Then Zendaya spoke.

"Yeah. They're actually twins!"

"Maeve! We need to film! Now!" The director called again.

"Yeah, Ill be their in a minute!" I called, turning my phone off and putting it way. I walked over to the set and sat down in my chair, putting some sunglasses on, because we were filming outside today.

"Hi Mayyyyyy!" Anthony said, in his falcon suit.

"Hi, Annie!" I said laughing because I knew he hated the nickname.

"Maeve. How many times do I have to tell you. Don't call me Annie," he said, fighting back a laugh.

"Sure thing, Annie" I said walking away to find Elizabeth.

When I found her, she was waiting for the scene she was in to be filmed.

"What's up, Ellie?" I said sitting down next to her, criss cross applesauce on the ground.

"Nothing much. What about you Emmy, anything from Seb?" She asked with a smirk on her face.

Elizabeth is the only person who knows I have a crush on Sebastian. So when she said that, I scowled at her and looked around, hoping no one heard her.

"Relax, Em. I think him and your brother are the only ones who don't know." She said.

"What!" I said, suddenly panicked.

"Yeah, it is pretty obvious. It's also obvious that he likes you too." She said the last part in a sing-song voice.

"Stop. You don't know what your talking about." I said. "Also, it's not obvious I like him," I said.

Just then, Robert showed up. "Oh honey, it is obvious. I don't know how him and your brother doesn't see it. Actually," He said after a second thought, "I can see how your brother doesn't see it. He wouldn't figure it out even if it was tattooed on your forehead."

"Well that's just great!" I said sarcastically. I then got up and walked back over to where Anthony was being filmed.

"May! You're back!" I said. He then "flew" down to the ground with the wires connected to him. He glided down and fell on the ground, not landing, making me laugh uncontrollably.

A little while later, we were filming a scene where Wanda, Tony, Sam, and some other people were having a serious discussion. I was standing behind the camera when I suddenly had the urge to make a face at Lizzie. I stuck my thumbs in my ears and spread my fingers apart wiggling my hands back and forth while I went cross eyed and stuck my tongue out, making her laugh and ruining the scene.

We filmed some more scenes, then it got to a serious scene between Clementine and Tony. I couldn't stop laughing for some odd reason and Robert got really annoyed with me.

"Tense up!" Robert said in a loud, stern voice.

"I am tensing up!" I yelled. We then both burst into laughter. At this point, the director was fed up with us both and called it a day.

After we wrapped up for the day, Lizzie, Robert, Anthony, and I went out for supper, laughing through supper and saying some really dumb shit. After supper, I went home and went to bed because tomorrow, I had and interview.

And that's a wrap on chapter 1!

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