Chapter 3

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I walked into the filming area with Sebastian, Anthony, Robert, and Lizzy. We sat down on some chairs and played a game of "Guess That Quote," for about 5 minutes before Jimmy started asking us questions.

"So, Maeve, obviously you're this new superhero! It's all fun, however, I have been wondering, as well as some of the fans, If you had to go on a diet or something before you were accepted for auditions," Jimmy asked. When he said that, something in me snapped. I don't usually stand up for myself at these type of things but this was different. "What did you have to eat to sway the minds of the castors?"

I noticed that my friends around me all had looks on their faces like, did he really just ask that? And, oh he just fucked up. I looked at Jimmy and said, "Firstly, I didn't have to "sway their minds," I got the role for Clementine because I am a talented actress. Not because of how I look. In fact, I got the role WITHOUT an audition. They asked me. Not the other way around," I got approving looks from my friends before adding on to my previous statement.

"Second of all, if anyone even tries to whisper the word, "diet," you can go fuck yourself. Go choke on your healthy food, then you can try telling me who the fuck you think you are!" I finished.

Anthony started laughing, Seb had a look on his face like, "Well then. That was kinda hot," Lizzy started laughing too and Robert was looking from me to Jimmy with a look of happy shock on his face. Then he turned to me and said, "Couldn't have said it better myself, hun," He then leaned down to my hand and kissed my hand, then praising me for standing up for myself. That made me really proud of myself and made me happy. Then he said, "Say it louder for the people in the back!"

"Uh-um... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be-" He stammered before Seb cut him off.

"You have a good time on the internet tonight, Jimmy," He said with a wink.

After the interview was done, we all walked back to the hotel together and waved our middle finger at the paparazzi. Once we got back to the hotel, Seb pulled me back from the group.

"Hey, good job back there," he said.

"Thanks. I'm not usually that confident but what he said really got to me," I trailed off.

"Hey Tulip," He called me tulip because of the tulip fields in Holland. "Just think of all the edits people are going to make. You'll be one of the new TikTok trends," He said with a laugh that sounded like music to my ears. I laughed with him and went to bed.

I went to bed thinking about how proud Seb was when I stood up for myself. Just thinking about him made butterflies erupt in my stomach and made my heart beat 5 times faster. I fell asleep with a smile on my face, thinking of the man I have a crush on. Sebastian Stan.

Once again, if you haven't seen part 3 of the original series, it is on marvel_povs_andmaybe_hp on TikTok.


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