Chapter 2

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This chapter is kind of short. Sorry about that!

I woke up the next morning at 8:00 and got ready. I slipped out of my queen sized bed and walked across the floor to my dresser and pulled out a white t-shirt and a pair of black jeans. Then I went to my closet and took out a light brown sweater.

I laid my clothes on my bed and stripped my pajamas and put my clothes on. I then grabbed my phone and sat down at my vanity and did my make-up. I did natural make-up and brushed my long brown hair that matched my brothers. Then I curled my hair into beach waves and put some brown boots on that matched my sweater.

"I feel like this is missing something. Maybe a necklace?" I said to myself. I grabbed a layered necklace that matched my outfit and put it on.

My phone buzzed and I saw that I had a text from Sebastian.

Good morning! Don't give to much away at the interview. We don't want you getting fired now lol 😂

Good morning, Seb! I'm a little hurt about your lack of  faith you have in me. I may be my brothers twin but I know how to keep a secret.

Fair enough. I'm story. Have a good day, or as good as it can be. Interviews can be draining.

It's ok. I'll try. You are 110% right about how draining interviews can be.
I've got to get going. Don't want to be late lol

Alright. Talk you you later!

I put my phone in the pocket of my sweater before grabbing my car keys and going outside to my convertible and climbing in. I put my keys in the ignition and turned on the radio and started driving to the studio where the interview was.

I got to the studio and met Jimmy Kimmel.

"Hi, Maeve! I must say, it's an honor. I am very excited for this interview. Let's get you into ready for the show! Your dressing room is this way," he said, walking to where my dressing room was.

"Thank you. Do you know when the others will be here?" I asked.

"No, I do not. I will tell you when they are though!" He exclaimed.

Minutes passed and it eventually came time for the show to start. When the time came for the show to start, I waited with the other actors while they played the trailer for my movie, Wild Card.

The Marvel Studios movie intro showed up on the screen before the faces of Black Widow, Iron Man, Winter Soldier, Hawkeye, and Wanda flashed across the screen, dramatic music playing in the background. Then, there was a brief clip of destruction before it faded into a person dropping cards into their hand. In the top corner, there was a flash of red and the scene faded.

The scene changed to a fast moving background with a persons eye moving rapidly around. The scene faded into a scene of Sam Wilson saying "Who are you?" With an alarmed, confused face. It then continued to Bucky saying the same thing with a confused face as well. The next clip had Tony saying, "Who is she?" With an alarmed and somewhat panicked look on his face.

The next scene then showed Clementine saying, "Who are you guys? Huh?" Very panicked and extremely confused.

Next, there was a robotic, British female, voice saying, "Clementine, I'm your personal AI assistant. Only you can hear me,"

The scene faded and showed a black and white clip of a big hand and a small child's hand. The child's hand was wrapped around the adults ring and pinky finger, with swaying grass in the background.

The next scene was also black and white, showing Bucky kissing some ones neck before changing again. It changed to two hands holding the other, only the hand on the right, seemed like it wasn't really there, like a hologram.

Next, was a very short, black and white clip, showing Clementine using her powers. The scene then changed for the last time. It changed to a black screen with the AI's voice saying, "You're needed. You are the Wild Card,"

The trailer ended and there was a loud applause and lots of yells in delight.

"And that was the trailer for the new Wild Card movie. Let's meet our hero's," Jimmy said. Once he said that, me and the others walked on stage, ready for this interview.

Hi y'all! That was chapter 2. I will try and update this soon after the next part on TikTok comes out. It will probably be the weekend after it comes out unless I find time to make the next chapter.

If you haven't seen the trailer, I would recommend watching it. It is on marvel_povs_andmaybe_hp

I also did not edit this so if you find any mistakes, please let me know.


Wild Card • s. stan Where stories live. Discover now