Watching Over You-Zac Efron

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Request by jaymeinnittt

Zac's POV

I looked over, a smile instantly forming when I saw Y/N walking across the hotel lobby. When I started filming Down to Earth, we needed someone to help with all the travel plans and I immediately thought of my best friend.

After college, Y/N decided not to pursue law school like she originally planned. Instead, she became a travel agent. When I asked her if she wanted to travel the world with us, with me, she didn't hesitate to say yes.

For the past six months, Y/N has planned every trip we've taken. As cool as it was to travel the world and engulf myself in new cultures, it was a lot cooler to travel the world with Y/N. Whenever I wasn't filming, I was spending time with her.

I looked over at Y/N, my heart sinking when I saw her nervously bouncing her leg. Y/N hates flying. She's hated it since she was little. And yet, she worked for Netflix, flying all over the world with me.

I stood up, walked over to her, and sat next to her. I instantly reached over and grabbed her hand.

"I'm sorry," I whispered.

"It's okay," she said, almost a whisper. "It's part of the job."

"It shouldn't be," I sighed. I smiled as she leaned her head on my shoulder. I cleared my throat before continuing, "You hate flying, you always have. And because of me, you get on flights every other week."

"Zac," she said, slightly laughing, "I love this job. And I love being able to plan for you. It's worth all the flights."

We sat like that until our flight was called. The entire time we walked through the terminal and onto the plane, I held Y/N's hand. When we took off, I looked over to see her eyes closed. She was taking a shaky breath as she leaned her head back against the headrest.

I squeezed her hand, making her open her eyes. Before I could stop myself, I leaned over and pressed a kiss to her forehead. My heart jumped when I felt her lean more into me. I slowly pulled away, hoping my face wasn't as red as it felt.

"Thank you," she whispered.

During the flight, we watched a movie on my iPad, Y/N eventually falling asleep on my shoulder. I smiled when I felt her cuddle more into me. I pulled the blanket up so it was covering her shoulders.

I looked up to see my brother smirking at me knowingly. I rolled my eyes as I went back to watching the movie. I subconsciously reached up and ran my fingers through Y/N's hair.

The second we got off the plane, you could feel the Costa Rica sun. I looked over and blushed as Y/N took off her jacket. I jumped when someone hit me across the back of the head. I looked over my shoulder to see Dylan smirking at me.

"Do you ever not stare at her?" He taunted.

"I wasn't staring," I said a little too quickly.

"You have taken the over-protective best friend role to a whole other level," Dylan laughed as he walked over to help with the luggage.

My eyes drifted from him to Y/N. Of course I was protective of her. We've been best friends since we could walk. All growing up, we were inseparable. Even after I got my first acting job.

When I moved to LA, Y/N and I were still close. She'd come up and visit every other weekend. And the weekends she didn't come up, I went to see her.

Y/N knows me better than anyone. How could I not be protective of her?

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