Audience Support Member-Zac Efron

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Imagine and Dance Requested by Writer-For-Fandoms

"You got everything packed?" Zac asked as he walked into the room with Ella, our 6-month-old daughter in his arms.

"I think so," I stuttered, going over my checklist in my head. I turned around and froze when I saw Zac smiling at me. "What?"

He walked across the room and pulled me into his chest. I smiled as I looked down at Ella in-between us. She looked up at me and smiled. She giggled as she reached for me. I instantly grabbed her, subconsciously starting to bounce her.

I looked up to see Zac watching us. He pulled me back into his chest, wrapping his arms around us.

"I know you're nervous," he whispered. "You are an amazing dancer. You've been hired in almost every dancing movie since you started working."

"I know," I stuttered. "It's just. . . This is live and. . ."

Zac cut me off by pressing his lips to mine. I smiled as I started moving my lips against his. We broke the kiss and laughed when Ella pushed us apart.

"I think someone's jealous," Zac laughed as he took her from my arms. He looked away from our daughter and slowly scanned my face. "Babe, it's going to be okay. You're thinking too much."

I let out a nervous chuckle as I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. "I know," I stuttered.

"Hey," he said gently. "You're going to do great. And we are going to be right there in the front row."

I smiled as I leaned over and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. "Thank you," I whispered as we broke apart.

"You're going to be amazing," Zac chuckled. He looked down at Ella and started bouncing her. "Right, baby girl?"

As if on cue, she giggled. "She has your smile," I whispered.

"True," Zac smirked as he looked away from our little girl and up at me. "But she has your eyes."

* * * * *

My nerves were jumping out of control as we waited for the group before us to finish their routine. I peeked into the crowd, my stomach dropping when I couldn't find Zac.

"Y/N?" I turned around to see a girl on my team walked over to me. "You ready, girl?"

"Yeah," I stuttered, stealing a quick glance at the audience.

"You alright?"

I sighed as I finally tore my eyes away from the audience. "I just. . . Zac promised he'd be here but I can't find him."

"I wouldn't worry about that," she said, trying to comfort me. "Your husband is literally the only husband that never misses a show. I'm sure he's here."

"You're right," I sighed, fixing my costume. "Ella probably spit up or needed a change."

"Exactly," she laughed. "Take a deep breath. We're getting in our spots."

I took a shaky breath as I followed her onto the stage, getting ready. Before the music started, I stole one last glance at the audience. All nerves I had disappeared when I finally saw Zac. He was standing in the back, bouncing Ella. When we made eye contact, he sent me his flirtatious smile and a playful wink.

"You got this," I saw him mouth. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath as the music started.

* * * * *

After we finished our number, I grabbed my stuff from our dressing room backstage. I walked into the theater lobby, my eyes instantly falling on my husband and daughter.

"There's my dancing queen," Zac laughed as he walked over to me. I gasped as he pulled me into his chest. I laughed as our lips moved in sync.

"Hi babe," I whispered as I broke the kiss. We laughed as Ella reached towards me. "And hello to you too, baby girl."

I grabbed Ella and kissed her cheek. I looked up, my cheeks burning when I saw the way Zac was looking at me. "What?"

"You are amazing," he chuckled.

"Stop," I said, shaking my head.

"I mean it," he said, his voice changing. "You are an amazing dancer and mother and wife. Ella is going to grow up learning how to be a strong woman and she's going to learn it from you."

With tears in my eyes, I pulled him in for another kiss. He laughed as Ella pushed us apart again.

"Ella," he play-wined. "Why are you always interrupting your mommy and daddy? If you keep doing that, you'll never get a little brother."

"Zac!" I laughed as I playfully pushed him. "You can't talk to her like that, honey! She's six-months-old."

He just shrugged playfully as he grabbed my dance bag. He then grabbed my hand and led me and Ella out of the theater.

"Why don't we go get dinner and then maybe after this little girl is asleep, we can talk about getting her a little brother?" He asked as he sent me his actor-perfect smirk.

I shook my head, chuckling. "You're terrible."

"What?" He asked innocently. "Are you saying you don't want to have another baby?"

"I didn't say that," I said, copying his smirk. I laughed when Zac started walking a little faster to the car. "Slow down, baby. It doesn't matter how fast we get home. We still got to get this little one to bed. . . Then we can get us to bed."

I giggled as he pulled me into his chest, leaning us against the side of our car. "Damn, I love you."

"I love you too," I whispered.

I turned around and put Ella in her car seat. I smiled as the second I buckled her in, her eyes started to get heavy. I close the door and turned around to see Zac watching me.

"What's wrong, babe?" I asked when I saw the way he was looking at me.

"Thank you."

"For?" He teased.

"For always standing by my side. You've always been there for me, cheering me on. Dancing isn't too family-friendly, you know? Rehearsals are long. Shows are all over the place. The costumes are. . .revealing. I don't make that much. Anything, at all. But you've stood by me through it all."

Zac cut me off by pressing his lips to mine. I smiled as I started moving my lips in sync. He broke the kiss and leaned his forehead against mine.

"Dancing has always been your dream. I'd be a terrible husband–and a real dick–if I stood in the way. Especially when you have always stood by my side with my acting. I'm your biggest fan, baby."

"And I'm yours."

Zac Efron ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now