Fnaf feat. Jacksepticeye!

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That was what I was supposed to be getting as thoughts ran through my head, Amy lying beside me as I glanced over and smiled. I was very lucky to be where I was in life. YouTube itself being probably the greatest job ever, despite all of it's occasional problems. I guess it's why my thoughts were racing, seeing as how I'm focused on big projects and video ideas, one of them being when Seán and I had met up at Vidcon awhile back ago.

I remember that day vividly, which is surprising considering how many of these events I've gone to over the years.
We had been talking about video games, specifically FNAF. A collab video since the series was fun to go back and visit as well as it was received fantastically by our communities.

I snap out of this recollection as I hear the faint sound of Chica stirring and I sit up slowly and glance over to our bed side clock sighing. Around 3 am, meaning it's probably best to take Chica out along with Henry.

Still, even as I go to do that I feel my brain go back to that memory. How long ago had it been? Almost 4 years now? I felt my chest tighten a bit as I moved a hand to rub at my tired eyes.

I know we'd never admit it to the public, but as much as we had claimed to still be as close as ever.. we weren't. Septiplier...ugh I remember that especially. It started off nice sure, but slowly I felt me and Seán grow apart. I can't quite recall when the last time we hung out was..when it wasn't for a video.

In fact..the last time I had seen him was when me and Ethan had invited him over to be a part of Unus Annus.
Suffice to say..I regret that we didn't talk more.
Sure, we both have our own lives..he has his coffee brand and lives closer to Felix anyway.
Regardless, we had actually talked yesterday about this collab so that was nice.

I'm sure it wouldn't be awkward.
Scratch that.
We had gotten on a discord call and immediately it felt weird not having talked to him in months.
I suppose that was to be expected with all my undivided attention on heist 2.
Still, even as I started up the camera on my end and he did his, I felt this uneasy atmosphere between us, and I couldn't tell why.
Not that it mattered too much, considering that once we started recording I'm sure it would be much easier to chat again.
So as I did a final check over everything I finally took a deep breath and turned to the camera smiling.

"Hello everybody! My name is Markiplier and I'm here with Seán."

"Yeah hi!"
Came his cheerful voice just less energetic honestly. I sort of missed his younger self, shaking my head quickly I continued.

"And today we will be playing a familiar game I'm sure you all missed...Five Nights at Freddy's! We'll see who can survive longest and at the end loser gets a punishment, sound fair?"

"Against the King of FNAF? Sure!" Came his sarcastic retort, with a bit of sass which caused me to smile and ease up a lot.

"Woah, woah, woah! Who said I was the king? I'm sure you're fine at it." I quickly replied, with mock offense and reassurance

But he had a point. I was gonna probably kick his ass.
Because I am the king.
I was also the king of squirrels, but that's irrelevant.

However, I was moved from my thoughts once again by Seán clearing his throat as I quickly moved to open the game and he did too.
Little did we know what was about to happen would change our lives forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2021 ⏰

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