The beach house

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Carla winced as she heard the door slam. Caitlin was home, and from the sound of things not very happy. Carla went to investigate. She found Caitlin, sitting angrily watching television 

"How was it?"

"Don't ask"

"That bad"

"And more. I thought that I was going to die of boredom. It's so tedious. I could do it with my eyes closed"

"What did you expect?"

"I thought it'd be challenging but this is ridiculous. A five year old could do it"

"Well I know something that will cheer you up"

"What's that?"

"Do you remember the beach house that we used to go when you were little? Well we are going there for a few days"

"Just us?"

"No. Everyone who went with us when you were little"

"That means?"

"I doubt it. They don't like us anymore. They think you caused it"

"But I didn't"

"We know. But at least we can enjoy it, without them"

Caitlin went upstairs to pack. Their were a lot of good memories in that house, when she was a child and with Barry. What would she discover their?

Caitlin boarded the bus, and flopped down into her seat. She put her earphones in and closed her eyes, trying to shut out the world. She could feel someone's presence near her, so slowly opened her eyes. Barry was standing and asking if he could sit next to her

"Barry" came a voice from the back, "I've saved you a seat next to me"

Caitlin looked at Barry

"She still after you?"

"Please help me"

"It's fine iris" yelled Caitlin, "me and Barry have a lot to catch up on"

Barry gratefully sat down next to Caitlin 

"I didn't do it for you Barry. I remember what an awful person she is. I thought she might have changed, but she's still the same, awful person"

"Why do you think I'm so desperate to get rid of her? She couldn't take it when I chose you over her. Do you remember how many times she tried to break us up?"

Caitlin slowly nodded 

"It got worse after you left. She thought she had full claim on me, now that you were not here. She won't leave me alone. Help me"

"I can't. Not anymore. What we had is over. Now please leave me alone"

Caitlin shut her eyes, and tried to block everything out. She recalled the events that had led her back here, and how he had pleaded with her to sort everything out with her family and him. The bus pulled up and Caitlin ran out. She quickly ran inside and went upstairs to her room and unpacked. She was in the same room that she had been as a youngster and as a teenager. Everything came rushing back to her, and she collapsed into her bed. She shut her eyes, trying to forget everything that had happened and try to move forward 

The next morning Caitlin made sure that she was the last one down. This was her way of ensuring that she wouldn't run into him. She quickly ate breakfast and ran to the door

"Don't you dare"

"But mum"

"But mum nothing. Have you forgotten it all?"

"It's only a bit of rain. I won't be long"


Caitlin ran and kissed her mum's cheek 

"Thanks. Your the best. See you later"

Caitlin quickly ran out and stood in the rain, letting it wash all over her. She laughed and squealed as the rain hit her, as she walked through it. She loved the rain, always had done since she was little, but now she just wished that the rain could wash everything off her and that she could start anew. If only the rain could wash away her feelings. Feelings that she had thought she had buried and had hoped were now dead. But no. Here they were. Threatening to rise up again and overpower her. She felt like she was being watched and turned around and saw Barry leaning against the railing. Her mind took her back in time

"Barry, stop being such a baby. Come in the rain with me"

"No, it's ok Caitlin. I'm perfectly fine here, watching you get wet"

"It's called living life and enjoying yourself"

Caitlin walked up to Barry and took his hand, and pulled him into the rain

"See, this isn't so bad"

"I'm going to get ill because of you"

Caitlin went up to Barry and kissed him

"Feeling any better?"

"I think I need lots of them to feel better"

Caitlin shook her head to get rid of the memories. She looked at Barry, and shook her head. She slowly turned around and ran away. She had no idea where she was going. She just needed to put some distance between her and Barry

Duff duff duff. As always feedback appreciated 

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